Environment | Teen Ink


April 29, 2014
By JVQWOP BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
JVQWOP BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
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“Preservation of our environment is not a liberal or conservative challenge, its common sense.”
–Ronald Reagan

Our environment is in danger, could it be our fault, and we may only have two main reasons for it. We have heard that fossils fuels can change our planets climate, but what else is dangerous about these nonrenewable resources.

Fossil fuels are not only running out very quickly, it has polluted our air. Over in China the people have to wear surgical masks outside so they don’t inhale the air that is filled with the exhaust from the cars in the metro area. This world is basically a greenhouse now with the aptly named greenhouse effect. Causing the Earth to trap the heat from the sun and not releasing it back into space. Making the world heat up more than usual causing the glaciers to melt and flooding the ocean.

After this long winter in the east with the so-called “polar vortex” we went through a lot of salt. That salt was poured on the road how it could affect the environment is pretty simple. When it rains or when the snow would melt the water with salt particles in it and that water would go into the sewers leaking into freshwater bodies of water and the animals that would drink from that and then they would die from the salt intake. And killing the ecosystem that those animals live in.

In conclusion most nonrenewable resources are terrible for our environment and if we are going preserve it for future generations we need to do something. It is all up to our generation to save it. There is a lot we can do to keep it here like making more eco-friendly cars, recycling, and basically using the least amount of nonrenewable resources we can because they are, well nonrenewable.

“The warnings about global warming have been extremely clear for a long time. We are facing a global climate crisis. It is deepening. We are entering a period of consequences.” –Al Gore

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