Global Warming or Luxury Facilities: What Matters the MOST? | Teen Ink

Global Warming or Luxury Facilities: What Matters the MOST?

May 1, 2014
By Chamzy BRONZE, Colombo, Other
Chamzy BRONZE, Colombo, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it.

Sover Kierkergadd once said that life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forwards. To choose from the controversial issues of whether the government should spend money on minimizing global warming or for the comfort of us citizens was rather a mind blowing one. However, in prior to the future, I've come to a conclusion where my opinion lies in favor of preventing global warming. Comfort,facilities and services are all temporary luxuries we crave for but Global warming- this is the ticking time bomb

Global warming in its most subtle meaning is the process where the green house gases trap the sun's heat in the Earth's atmosphere,thereby accelerating an immense temperature rise in the world we live in. Though natural, and utterly phenomenal, Global warming is faster than you think it is. To crown the whole, its consequences are a mere ride to death.Once the Earth begins to heat up, the Polar Ice caps in the Arctic melt resulting in the average sea level rising. Experts say that the average rise in sea level over the past 100 years is about 17.5 cm. If it continues to increase cumulatively like this we will all be covered with water, waist high, in no time.

More over, The rapid rises lead to the extinction of many rare and equally, important animals. Conservationists say that the population of polar bears are almost no more and to conserve the very few that's left the 'Adopt a Polar bear' program has begun. Additionally, changed in rainfall patterns, climate change wrap up to engulf us humans in an ordeal in the near future, all as a result of the death eater... Global warming.It's imprinted on many articles that 31 billions of tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere daily. Carbon dioxide being the main product of respiration is also the best stimulant of global warming. If life continues each day, with gallons of fossil fuels being combusted, Industrial waste being released into open air, it is own lives that are at stake. So with responsibility, lets not be terrified , instead determined to stop this

With the uprising of technology, the revolutionary industrial revolution, the birth of boundless facilities a city of free spas or a free airplane ticket are the one last things left for humans to demand for. Being obstinate citizens, humans somehow get a sufficient water supply, electricity, public transportation all and all whenever they want. Having possessed so much, it is yet another typical feature of humans to crave for more. Comfort aside, it is living that matters.Spending money on air conditioning systems, excessive electricity generation, Industrial processes, unwanted residential and commercial facilities is a waste of both time and effort. What's most horrific, is the fact that such human activities that contribute to serve humans themselves ironically serves to contribute their gradual death, due to Global warming. Coal Fired power stations use fossil fuels to generate electricity. This in turn releases wast exhaust gases like carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide that reinforce the runaway greenhouse effect.

As Mother Teresa said,''Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. So lets begin'' Let us put a hault to global warming - the centric cause of the loss of man kind

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