Tesla Powerwall | Teen Ink

Tesla Powerwall

May 10, 2015
By totally-conceited SILVER, New York, New York
totally-conceited SILVER, New York, New York
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

The Tesla Powerwall is a great stride in commercialising the next step towards efficiently utilizing a renewable energy source. The Powerwall is a solar energy powered battery capable of holding 7 kWh or 10 kWh, functional between -4 and 100 degrees fahrenheit, and has a reasonable cost. On average a home in the United states uses 30 KWh of energy a day. The Powerwall gives you the capability to cut out one third of our reliance on electricity a day.The Powerwall has a sleek design compatible with indoor and outdoor installation on homes. Current solar batteries are bulky, don’t allow for the same power storage and aren’t commercial friendly. They also are not logical in terms of larger scale development of reliance on solar energy batteries.
The Powerwall has the ability to affect the way the entire world runs in terms of energy. The United states could run entirely on solar energy and with the help of these batteries we could render the use of electricity obsolete. The sun is there, it’s not going anywhere anytime soon and it produces immense amounts of energy every day. Energy that we are not efficiently utilizing day to day and energy we are not putting to full capacity.
However, for now the Powerwall can be applied on a smaller scale in our everyday lives. Places that often suffer from extreme weather and unreliable energy sources could benefit from the Powerwall. Hospitals and other public buildings in remote areas would now have an energy system that relies on the sun rather than electric wiring. Back up generators need electric charge, even those without the need to be plugged in die eventually. With a Powerwall there will be a constant recharging during the day.
These Powerwalls are stackable, and made to be put into battery pods. With 10 of these Powerwalls we can generate 100 kWh of energy, multiply that by 10 we have 1000 kWh, for a cost that will be repay itself through the preservation of the Earth and less fossil fuels being burned daily. We can power the US entirely on solar panel battery packs, but what is stopping us? Conversion of homes and buildings power sources may take a while but all it requires are solar panels. The amount of area needed to power the US is minute compared to the actual size of the US and even then the area we would use is on the roof tops of already existing buildings. Really, what is holding the US back from converting our energy source from electricity to solar power? The answer doesn’t matter, we need to move quickly, not because the suns going anywhere, but because our earth can’t endure much more of this. And now we have the technology that will propel us into a fossil fuel free USA.

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