Warm to the Core | Teen Ink

Warm to the Core

April 5, 2016
By AndriaA. BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
AndriaA. BRONZE, Gilbert, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Global warming. The mere thought of the phrase is enough to strike fear into the fragile hearts of many. The phenomenon has been one of the most greatly disputed and researched topics in the scientific world to date. Global warming is defined as the gradual increase in the Earth’s average temperature, and is usually associated with negative effects that it supposedly has on the environment. Therefore, we are constantly encouraged to take excessive measures in order to reduce our carbon footprint, and spend a great deal of money on energy-saving resources. However, what many fail to notice are the positive changes that global warming can bring about in the world. The environmental changes brought about by global warming have the potential to benefit societies as a whole. Therefore, I propose that we take measures to induce the rate of global warming because they will improve standards of living and allow greater economic savings.

Global warming has the potential to greatly advance our current lifestyles. For instance, one of the greatest benefits that global warming can offer humans is the drastic decrease in animal biodiversity. With the increase in temperatures causing the deterioration of environmental niches, there would be extinctions of a variety of vertebrates, amphibians, reptiles, and especially insects. Lucky for us, this means fewer visits from the creepy crawlies that squirm and fly around our homes, terrorizing our peace of mind. Furthermore, people’s combined effort to deteriorate the Earth’s atmosphere will effectively speed up the melting of polar ice caps in the frigid poles, and thus raise sea levels. And how exactly might these events benefit humankind? The rise in ocean levels could eventually cause the coastline to flood inwards to land for a couple hundred miles, allowing the ocean to come to us. No longer would we have to take those grueling, long car rides to California for the mere purpose of going to the beach; it will literally be at our doorsteps! Not only would Arizonians enjoy the benefits of being a coastal state, but they would also be granted the leisure to surf, water ski, and scuba dive to their heart’s content.

The melting of polar ice caps would foreshadow major threats of extinction to the native animals that call these places home, but it would also allow the poles to be a more inhabitable location for humans. This would help make it a popular hot spot for tourist attractions. Unlike other common island destinations such as Hawaii or the Bahamas, the poles would give tourists a more intimate and exploratory experience of nature. From melting ice fragments that float on the water like stranded marshmallows to withered polar bears that stagger around on all fours due to starvation, the natural beauty of a degrading ecosystem could be admired by people from all over the world. Animal extinction, rising sea levels, and melting polar ice caps are all factors that could enrich people’s ways of life and provide new venues of leisure activities.

The public’s combined efforts to increase the rate of global warming will also promote more opportunities for economic savings. For example, as more greenhouse gasses absorb and radiate heat in the atmosphere, the Earth’s ozone layer will deplete, causing more of the sun’s radiation to penetrate and warm the environment. Now, this might initially seem like a concern, having the Earth bake in a sunny oven. However, as the Earth warms up, people won’t find it necessary to heat their homes during the supposed “winter” seasons. As these “winter” months eventually lessen in coldness, many families will be able to save their precious money and resources by not having to provide heating for their houses. The air conditioning bill might rise just a little bit during the summer months, but remember, there is a cool ocean to jump into right outside if one gets too hot.
Furthermore, the time and money that were once being directed towards operating energy-saving resources to decrease the rate of global warming can now be diverted for more efficient purposes. For example, a fraction of the money that will be saved can fund incentive programs that would educate the public about the benefits of global warming. Specifically, programs such as “It’s a Warm World After All” could be enacted in classrooms to teach the younger children how they can contribute to increasing greenhouse gasses and climate change. By educating the public and spreading awareness, people can utilize global warming to create a more efficient and stable economy.

Global warming should not be viewed as a curse upon humankind, but as a blessing. The positive effects that global warming can bring about will be at somewhat of a cost to the environment, but as a total benefit to us. As a community, I propose that we take measures to encourage the rate of global warming because it will greatly benefit our overall lives and economic stability. Therefore, burn those fossil fuels, and don’t hesitate when it comes to chucking that piece of paper into the garbage can instead of into the recycle bin. It is not just the efforts of a single person, but that of the entire human population that will bring about a positive change in our world. By speeding up the imminent process, we will successfully increase the already rising temperatures and help to create a brighter and sunnier future for upcoming generations.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece to bring more awareness to the gloabl warming issue in a more humorous way. 

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Ehash said...
on Apr. 13 2016 at 7:37 pm
Great work! I really enjoyed reading this!