Animals Deserve Rights Too | Teen Ink

Animals Deserve Rights Too

October 25, 2016
By SJP99 BRONZE, Rio Linda, California
SJP99 BRONZE, Rio Linda, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It is estimated that 100 million animals die each year in laboratories at the hands of humans for science (Experiments on Animals: Overview, par. 1). If a human was locked up and tested on the person conducting the tests would be jailed for torture, but if it is an animal it is considered okay. Why are animals any different? They are living, breathing beings that deserve to have rights too. This is not acceptable and that is why we need to create a bill of rights for animals to protect them from being tested on, tortured, neglected, etc.

Animals are not humans and may not be equal to us, but in many ways they are similar. Animals are alive with a brain that thinks and feels emotions. We can not deny they are mistreated on farms. Also, they should be free not locked up and tested on. This needs to be fixed by giving them their rights. The era of animal mistreatment can end once people sign the petition to create an animal’s bill of rights and finally give animals the rights they deserve.

Why do animals deserve to have a bill of rights? There are many answers to this question such animals deserve to be protected from mistreatment on factory farms and deserve to be free rather than trapped in a laboratory for our own personal gain. Every year many animals are slaughtered and consumed, but the process of getting animals from farm to table is the worst part. We should not stop eating meat that is not the point. We just need to improve animal treatment in factory farms because horrible conditions of factory farms can affect humans too. Chemicals these animals are fed can stay in their system and then be transferred to humans (11 Facts About Animals and Factory Farms, par. 3). If we stop feeding them chemicals to make them swell up in order to eat them faster and make a mass number of them then they will not be harmed and neither will consumers. By creating a mass number of animals quickly it is causing us to overproduce. This causes meat to be wasted and in fact about 26.2% of meat is wasted each year (Harish, par. 6). With the bill of rights it may force better treatment in factory farms. Even though it may be a slower process it may decrease the number of meat wasted and suffering animals.

Today there are many animals in laboratories being tested on for things such as drugs, food, and cosmetics. They deserve to be free rather than stuck in a cage for our own personal gain. A major reason people feel animal testing is justifiable is it helps humans find cures, but that is not always the case. People may be against the animal bill of rights because it may end animal testing which might make it harder to find cures. According to Richard Klausner, who used to work for the National Cancer Institute, there has been a cure for cancer in mice for a while, but it still does not work on humans (Experiments on Animals: Overview, par. 5). Testing on animals may not be accurate which is why we should end it. It is not fair to the animal to be trapped and tormented just to find a cure that may not work. There has to be another way and we should find it, let the animals go and give them their right to be free.

Now you may be asking yourself what can I do to change this? Sign the petition to help give animals a bill of rights. After that prompt your friends and family to sign it. If more and more people sign it then the government will see we need to pass it because it is what the people want.

Also check your products which means check the sources of the food, makeup, and other products you buy. Support companies that treat animals well and do not test on them. If we do our part then those companies treating animals unfairly will go out of business and be forced to conform to what people want. Which is an animal's bill of right and fair treatment of animals. Let’s make the world a better place for us and the animals living in it. (699)



The author's comments:

I am a Senior in high school. This is my op-ed for English on whether or not animals deserve a bill of rights and they definitely do.

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