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February 5, 2019
By mayanelson GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
mayanelson GOLD, Brooklyn, New York
12 articles 7 photos 0 comments

“A Hungry Heart” by Nicholas Lewis was a confusing and rather disturbing piece about a boy in love with a cannibal. The story begins with the protagonist, Nick, contemplating how confusing love is and self-mutilation. It then progresses to a conversation Nick had earlier with his friend Will about how this girl is “the one.” He then proceeds to go to her house only to find out she’s a Cannibal and wants him to cut off his hand for her to eat.

This piece makes no sense. He’s known her for a month, and she feels this is enough for her to confess her cannibalism to him, as well as for him to actually consider chopping his arm off. Perhaps, this piece was attempting to be comedic, but if that was the case it failed. Additionally, the organization of the poem is quite confusing, as it jumps from present to past multiple times. Overall, “A Hungry Heart” was a confusing piece both in structure and content that failed at trying to be comedic.

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