Review on the Article | Teen Ink

Review on the Article

February 20, 2019
By Anonymous

The article, “My Life Because of You” written anonymously left me feeling grateful and happy for the girl. This article was about this young girl who struggled with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. No matter how this awful, painful disease made her feel, she never felt bad for herself or gave up. It did put her through quite a bit of pain, but in the end all of the fighting and pushing through made it all worth it. I can not personally relate to her situation, but the fact that she shared her story with us made it feel real. I enjoyed all the descriptive adjectives she used throughout the story. She said, “You’re a seven-year-old girl with chocolaty brown eyes, long flowing hair, and an innocent face, wincing in pain.” This helped describe to me what she looked like and the amount of pain she had been going through. I don’t really see this situation around here much. Her family was strong and helped her throughout this journey. It wasn’t easy for her, but her faith never left her side the whole way. I’m grateful myself that I didn’t have to experience this myself, but I’m beyond glad that she fought through it. I enjoyed how she said,” You are a battle that I will continue to fight because I will always be their little trooper.” This quote just proves how strong willed she is and will continue to be. I really enjoyed reading this article.

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