The Dreaded Bus | Teen Ink

The Dreaded Bus

February 2, 2015
By Anonymous

This article is about riding a school bus. She sits in the front or the middle of the bus and waits until her stop. The bus driver threatens to move some kids up to the front where she is sitting. Eventually, a boy has to move up and sit with her because he was messing around.She tries talking to him, but he completely ignores her. Making her feel even lonelier.

I wasn’t surprised by this article at all. I agree with this article because some kids have to ride the bus and they do feel alone because the do have no one to talk to on the bus. I actually can relate because I myself ride the bus as a junior in high school. All my friends drive to school, or just walk home since their house is right down the street. I have no one to talk to on the bus, so I just listen to music on the bus until my bus stop. I understand what she is going through, because you can feel alone on the bus and not feel welcomed by some people on the bus. I do see the same dilemma in Ayersville.

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