Equality | Teen Ink


November 7, 2013
By MenmaU BRONZE, Dekalb, Georgia
MenmaU BRONZE, Dekalb, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Equality has been a sensitive topic that has been talked about and fought over for hundreds of years. Women's rights, abolishing slavery, suffrage for any person of any color or gender, and today Gay rights. When you have people living together under the same roof (as in all of Earth), there will always be people who think there are naturally set boundaries between them and others. Those boundaries (race, religion, sexuality, etc) create this huge idea of Equality. People then start thinking that some of the people around them are "less equal" than they are just because of differences they share. This topic is important today because it is relevant in today's society and is one of few things that will still be relevant for many years to come. Why should people outted for not believing what you do? Why should people be treated different because they arent the same color as you? Why should people be looked down upon for not conforming to society's beliefs? There is only ONE of you so of course someone is going to have a different lifestyle compared to yours. If you dont like it? Well, that's life, you wont like alot of things. But you still have to respect it and whoever is living it. Every person has the right of free thought, basically to believe, think, or do whatever they want with their own lives. No unhealthy outside force is to come and interrupt, especially if that person is happy with the way they are. How great do you think it will feel to turn to your left and your right and know that the person standing next to you will not judge you, respects you as a human being, and believes even though there are always going to be differences, you and that person will always be the same. That's Equality. We, as a human race, should be thoroughly involved on the quest of Equality because the topic will never go away. We cannot run from something that will always remain here for generations. We have to fix it now for our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc, so they can live as one equal body unlike many parts of our world today. There are so many ways we can be involved and help. Get the word out to people. Ever thought about publishing an article about Equality? Well now is that time. Have you every boycotted before? Joined Equality movements, been in a national seminar about Equality? Always a first time for everything. Organizations like Equality Federation and The Organization make it easier to share your voice through missions, press conferences and volunteering. Will Rogers said, "We will never have a true civilization until we learn to recognize the rights of others". The secret to a true civilization is Equality. Everyone needs to be looked at as an equal, nothing more or nothing less. We are all on a mission here, and that is to live life to the fullest and to be happy. People are going to be different than you, but that's what makes us and the world unique and diverse.

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