An Election or Reality TV Show? | Teen Ink

An Election or Reality TV Show?

April 20, 2016
By indigo14 BRONZE, Cheese, Wisconsin
indigo14 BRONZE, Cheese, Wisconsin
2 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Politics is something that every American feels strongly about. It divides yet unites our country at the same time. The heated debates, the pressing issues, the scandals- drama and elections always go hand in hand. Believe me, every election is its own circus, with all of the canidates its performers. When election season rolls around, you are always guranteed to see uptight politicians jump through countless hoops trying to win over our nation’s voters.  In today’s media driven world, these public figures are subjected to more scrutiny than ever, and the pressure on them to be flawless is immense. Every single piece and aspect of their lives is analyzed and broken down, so that those watching can judge them from every angle imaginable. Every election there is is always sure to be an insane and spectacularlly ridiculous spectacle, but this 2016 presedential race is unlike any seen before.  The canidates are outlandish and ridiculous, and I can honestly say that I have never had less hope for my country than ever before.The infamous Donald Trump is a prime example of the failure and catastrophe of this election. When I first head of Donald Trump’s  announcement of his race I flat out laughed. This man, the one who on countless occasions has objectified women, made racist remarks, and has been a downright attrocity is running for president of the United States of America? It couldn’t be true.  My family and I all surely thought that this must be some horrible, sickening joke, and laughed it off- there was no way that this man was going to win the Republican ticket. Alas, fate would have it that this man was not some poor sick joke- he was an actual contestant in this race to be the leader of our land. Heck, this man has literally retweeted a facist Mussolini quote! He endorses violence at his rallies and his campaign manager was arrested for assault. He has publicly stated that muslims are a threat to society and that if he were elected he would stop immigration of them all together- keep in mind there is 3.3 million Muslim- Americans as of today. There is a higher percentage of white, christian school shooters in the U.S today than there are muslim terrorists.  As if this election wasn’t outlandish enough, he had the audacity to talk about his extremities on live television. This man continually spews lies and hateful remarks yet he is being seriously debated about deciding the fate of more than 318 million people. Ted Cruz, another Republican front runner, is seriously being debated on social media outlets as a famous serial killer known as the zodiac killer! Don’t think the Republican party is the only one to blame for providing  canidates and senseless incidents- Bernie Sanders, a Democratic canidate has publicly stated that he is a socialist, when America was founded on the principal of capitolism. Whatever side your on, we can both agree that some things about this election are downright insane. How can our country continue to support something like this? I don’t quite know the correct answer, but all I know is that Americans love a good show, and these canidates are giving them the thrill of a lifetime. As long as these politicians keep us entertained, they will have us wrapped around their finger.

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