Imperfect Perfection | Teen Ink

Imperfect Perfection

February 12, 2019
By bella115 BRONZE, Asheville, North Carolina
bella115 BRONZE, Asheville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Nothing hurts a girl more than feeling like she’s less than another person. She wants to be what society shows as ‘perfect’. Big fashion shows always have super fit skinny models, she wants to look like a model. She wants to edit her pictures so that she looks ‘perfect’. She wants to eat less to lose weight. She feels like that is what society shows her as a ‘perfect’ girl.  Her attempts at confidence in herself quickly become shattered with projections of what girls should be. She starts to lose faith in herself in giving future partners a loving relationship by being herself. She worries about being accepted for who she is by her loved ones. Media can show that girls and young women are nothing but toys for abuse and being taken advantage of for pleasure by men. Media’s way of projecting the ‘perfect’ girl is clearly misleading in today's world. All girls should know that they are more than what society can say about them. ‘Perfect’ comes in many different forms, not just one.

It’s time to change the lens through which girls see themselves. Girls should benconfident with who they are, not hating themselves because they want to be ‘perfect’. It’s understandable why girls have such a hard time accepting themselves in today's world. Girls have become numb to the phrases ‘you’re perfect the way you are’, ‘you’re beautiful’ and ‘love yourself’  because they don’t feel that way. Shifting those phrases into something empowering is better for their confidence. Girls, realizing all the beautiful aspects of themselves, can change everything. When girls love everything about themselves nothing can break the amount of confidence that they have in who they are. Having experience  the effects of negative messages myself I can say that I know the impact that it has on girls . Listen girls, we all have each other’s backs. You are never alone and people are loving you and will love you for the rest of your life. Being who you are is a powerful thing! No matter what people say or do, you will overcome it. I promise.

The author's comments:

When I wrote this piece I put my own excperince in to make the writing stronger. I've struggled with feeling like this for a long time. Using my life exsperince when I write feel like it gives the article a different angle.

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