Voting; Shows Power, Freedom and Pride | Teen Ink

Voting; Shows Power, Freedom and Pride

October 23, 2019
By 0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Turning 18 comes with responsibilities. Hearing my family talk about not voting has shaped me to not going with that route.

When I turn 18, I don’t exactly know what that one vote will mean to me. But right now, I know it means lots of things for others.

Voting shows power. The ability to do something or act in a particular way. Being able to go to my voting poll and put my opinion in. While having the satisfaction of knowing that no one can tell me to change it and I am getting a chance to change the future to make sure it’s what I want to be living in. Giving me power.

Voting shows freedom. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without restraint. The polls is one area; of many, in America where I will be able to speak my mind to stick up for what I think is right. America gives me access to be able to do that as well, unlike other places around the world. Giving me freedom.

Voting shows pride. A feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements. I know when I go to the polls that I feel really strong about whatever topic I am voting for. I feel confident enough that I think putting my opinion in will help with the decision. Giving me pride.

In America, we are given chances to express how we feel when it comes to voting. Putting our opinion in, with just a simple checkmark on a piece of paper handed to us. With this paper, we choose to change our society today to better the future. Knowing all of that gives me a reason to be able to talk about voting with my family. Voting gives America power, freedom, and pride. This is what my vote is going to give me at 18.

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