We the People | Teen Ink

We the People

October 28, 2019
By Warkhawk21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Warkhawk21 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   A young girl, taping up her campaign posters glides her way through the school hallways, preparing her speech and handing out election buttons. She sees an underclassman, all alone and scared, and she helps the student to class. She feels at peace, knowing she can stand up for the ones without a voice and use her powers to make the campus a safe place for all.

   The chaos of the traffic was silenced as the boy placed his earbuds in, listening to country tunes. He makes his way to the campus, his smile as bright as the golden sun. He fears no conflict between the others and embraces his individual values. The boy makes his way through the day, anxious to run to the polls. He remembers his father with the camouflage suit and the purple heart medal. He feels proud, knowing he will honor his father.

   The woman kneels down next to her bed, praying and hoping for change. Her empty home is soon filled with sound as the sun begins to rise and her children wake her. They’ve always asked her why she prays, and she always responds the same; “One day you will have the chance to make a difference in this world-take advantage of that.” She feels grateful, knowing she is raising the next generation of leaders.

   The man with a blue button-up sips his coffee and reads the black and white, while the fresh air feeds in through the opened windows. His wife, wearing a red dress, wheels him to the car, where they make their way to the town to collect their “I Voted” stickers. They feel loved, knowing they can support one another even with different beliefs.

   We the people, the free citizens of the United States, can open our eyes to a red, white, and blue sky. We can voice our thoughts in confidence and wave our flags in pride. The teens, the young adults, the parents, the elders, all of us in this nation need to stand tall and never forget the beautiful freedom of choice and pride in voting.

The author's comments:

   This piece reflects my standpoint on voting in America, and how it affects us on a daily basis. The four people are meant to show different points of view and ages in voting. In our nation, we are capable of great things as long as we point our minds to it and come together as one team. 

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