Seeing The World In Tupac's Perspective | Teen Ink

Seeing The World In Tupac's Perspective

December 3, 2019
By fanny23 BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
fanny23 BRONZE, Elk Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I had a dream"-MLK

Students in High school should learn about the real world. When learning about Tupac, we see the struggles many people go through everyday. For example, poverty, drug addictions, and personality. Tupac suffered a lot during his childhood and his experiences can be relatable to many people. Not everyone has a good childhood and pleasant memories. Tupac resembles reality, he shows us the truth instead of hiding it. That takes a lot of courage because many people don’t like to talk about their past. Especially one like his.

When learning about Tupac, you also learn about the real world. According to his poem “Life through my eyes”, Tupac states , “Life through my bloodshot eyes would scare a square to death. poverty, murder, violence and never a moment to rest.” This shows the “bad” or “tough” version of everyday life. Not all of us see it or experience thus. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. The world is not and never will be perfect. There will always be crime and hatred wherever we go. Knowing that, you try to take out the best of things and try to have a good life, and that’s exactly what Tupac didt. He just lived the life he was born into with pride.

Tupac was sort of an outsider. He never felt like he fit in and he was bullied a lot. The Tupac data set states, “...he was an outsider, especially since he couldn’t play basketball, dressed like a hippie, was targeted by gangs, wrote poetry and secretly hated himself.” The fact that Tupac was like a lot of kids today is crazy. He went through some rough stuff and still came out to be a great man. Many people just don’t care and don’t do anything about what’s bothering them. Tupac always spoke out later in life. He said what he thought and felt and he didn’t care what others had to say about him.

Nowadays people are judged for their appearance like clothes, hair and shoes. According to Dyson in “Holler if you hear me” he states “And these slick-heads distinguished themselves primarily through the brands and abundance of their clothing.” This shows how people are. No one has the same taste and no one is the same as the other person. So why judge someone for their looks? What good does it do for the person? There’s always going to be people that have more. They could wear the most expensive clothing they have and then show it off to the ones that can’t afford it. 

In conclusion, people may think that Tupac was an aggressive speaker for expressing his feelings. But honestly, Tupac was a role model to many people because he spoke the truth about what was going on. He brought to light all the imperfections that the world had that we should be fixing. Overall, he was a great person, he might’ve had moments where he spoke crazy and reckless, but we have to keep in mind that it was what he felt and believed. If he didn’t go through the life he did, he wouldn’t have become the person he became. 

The author's comments:

Learning about Tupac was a very eye opening experience. It made me realize that the world is far from perfect. 

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