We are Who We are | Teen Ink

We are Who We are

May 20, 2021
By ritasussan675 BRONZE, Murphy, Texas
ritasussan675 BRONZE, Murphy, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Society these days doesn't understand what it’s like to be different. It’s hard to show or even tell people how we feel, because there is always a possibility of being judged by them. We are all who we are supposed to be and nothing or no one can change that. 

When people don't understand what goes on in other people’s lives then they should leave it alone. We are our own person and it shouldn’t matter what we do with our lives. Let's say a guy wanted to wear high heels, you would most likely hear people talking about it and asking each other, “Why is he wearing high heels?” They would give him weird looks like there's something wrong with him. When really he’s just trying to be himself. 

Kids these days are just trying to find out who they are, and most people get judged for that because they're not dressing the way society wants them to. They're not wearing their hair the way they want to, not skinny enough, not tall enough. So many people are blinded by what society wants that they don’t know how to be themselves. Most people don’t have their ‘identity’ yet because society wants them to be perfect and obedient people. Sometimes it causes them to go into depression or worse it can cause suiside. It’s sad to see what the world has become and how we treat one another. 

There are so many things the world needs to understand, not just that people should be more mindful of others, but that they should learn not to shut kids down when they have something to say. The younger generations appear to notice more about what is really going on in today's society than the older generations. There are so many things that could be said that go through one ear and out the other, because some parents don't listen to their kids when they say something that is important to them. Whether what they want to talk about is important or not. It’s sad to see that happen to the kids that just want to be heard. 

Adults don’t think that what us children have to say is important, so they brush them off. Some moms are constantly shutting their children down, and not letting them speak their mind. That's not something a parent should do, they should let their kid(s) speak and have their own thoughts and voice. They should be able to share these thoughts so that he/she can be heard even over the little trivial things in life. 

The younger generation needs more respect from parents because so many young people have so many inspiring things to say. “Good minds have wondrous ideas & good mouths have inspiring words.” This was a quote that I had made. The meaning is, just because you are younger doesn't mean you can’t speak your mind or say what you want to say. It means you have to find a way to share your ideas so that people will listen to you. If they don't then keep trying, because it shouldn’t matter what they think about it, as long as it is important to you then speak up. 

Younger kids let people shut them down too easily. It will never get them anywhere, but if they keep trying then maybe they can achieve what they wanted to. People shouldn’t let other people shut them out, no matter what. It shouldn't matter what goes on in other people’s lives, it's not really any of their business, it doesn't concern you. If someone wants to do something to make a change in the world then you should let them. 

If it isn’t relevant to you or if it's something you do not agree with then you shouldn’t pay attention or butt in and make them feel bad because you don’t like what they said. Kids don't understand how important they are to this society until it’s too late sometimes. Adults don't understand that kids' voices matter too, because sometimes words are all us kids have. 

In conclusion kids should be able to express who they are, and people should be more mindful of others. They should take into heart their own struggles while not being selfish around others because they aren’t having a good day.                     

The author's comments:

This is just a random artical that explains things we dont notice on a daily basis and things we need to pay attention to. It's also something I feel very strongly about. I hope you enjoy it. 

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