Don't Stare | Teen Ink

Don't Stare

January 3, 2011
By Anonymous

He's not wearing clothes. Not much, anyway. You spot him sitting in a corner behind a Mc Donald. And you feel bad. "Oh, what a poor kid," you think. He not awake at the time, so he can't see you gazing at him. You get out of the car. You will not just let him starve to death. The bill is left. You have fed him for the day. But it won't be enough. It's a shame; he could have changed the world. Such a bright little boy. Such a short little life. He was so much more than this. He wasn't just a little poor boy, he was Jacob. He was Jacob Matthews. He had a name, He had a heart, He had a story. And we called him poor. So what are we going to do? What are you going to do? Are we gonna sit here and give money to "the homeless"? Are we just going to ring a bell at the side of Wall Mart to collect some pennies for "the poor"? What is going to happen to all the Jacob Matthews in the world? We all must work together. Individually. We are donating all our money and time to shelters for people that have no home. Well it's not working. The people that don't make it to the shelters, the Jacob’s, and Emily’s’, and all the people, REAL people, who are bound to the streets, We're not helping them. So get out there. Bring a basket of food. 20 dollars. Your transportation. Give it to someone who appreciates it. Who NEEDS it. Because we put them in a general category. We stripped them of their names. And it's about time we give them back.

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on Jan. 7 2011 at 8:42 am
Scissorluv BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you can't have something it makes you want it even more. Stephanie Meyer.

i love this 1 jemter more more more!!!