One Love | Teen Ink

One Love

October 13, 2011
By sharell simmons BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
sharell simmons BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is the greatest gift we can ever hope to give or receive. Love is the one thing that can over come so many of the times that we are faced , with in life .
Love is so powerful ,it can turn frowns into smiles . It can help mend the most broken heart. It can even turn all of the ugliness in the world into the most beautiful . we could ever have the pleasure to behold .
Such a monumental task of course . It could be, but only if wee try to do it along. Instead ,if each of us, in our own small way, just a lie together , the task can become the reality were reaching .
As potent what it’s magic if we choose to allow it to for that come to pass we must let go of the other . that can we get in love’s way .

That all I can thank about . you can date your friends . but u need to thank about if u in him or her broken up . what is going to happen . all was find some one u know u can trust . think u for read One Love .

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