Why so Much? | Teen Ink

Why so Much?

March 27, 2013
By Anonymous

Homework! Homework! Homework! That is all students and children always hear. Up from grade school to college. Thats about 20 years. Teachers should stop giving students homework because it causes stress to some students, homework is a burden on teachers, and wastes the students life.

The first reason why teachers shouldn’t give students homework is because it causes stress. The students are at school for an average of seven hours and when the teacher assigns them homework in each class they come home all frustrated, because maybe they had a bad day or there is just too much homework. When they come home they forget the homework and go enjoy their life once again. But right before they go to sleep they remember they have homework, so they go do and stay up until 12 or later. Thomas Poole, a person who actually understands student’s says: “Teenagers already deal with enough stressful things during the day, they don't need to deal with homework too. Homework is a pointless thing and schools need to get rid of it. Students learn everything they need in school, they could be embracing more useful opportunities, and homework simply stresses students out” (Poole). This quote proves to us that we students learn enough at school and we don’t need more homework to stress us out at home. Stress is one of the reasons why teachers shouldn’t give homework to students.

The second reason why teachers shouldn’t assign homework to students is because homework is a burden on teachers. Teachers also complain at times that there is a lot to grade, so why don’t they start at least giving us less homework? Justin Coulson probably speaks from his experience “Teachers acknowledge that they do not enjoy the ongoing administration and follow up homework requires. There is a lot of work associated with homework outside the regular classroom teaching requirements, including coordinating homework, marking homework, giving homework feedback, and so on” (Why Children). Teachers also have everyday life like any other human being, so if they give us a ton of homework there is a lot for them to grade which doesn't give them enough time with their family. Homework is a burden on everyone thats why teachers have to stop giving students homework.

The third reason why teachers should stop giving us homework is because it wastes a student’s life. For us tennagers and youth, homework causes us to miss out on so much other opportunities, like helping the community. “It's an absolute waste of time to be doing homework. It causes our youth to miss out on so many other opportunities. Students could be serving our community to improve our environment and nation. They could be doing other school activities such as sports or clubs. Also, many students work, so they don't have time to be doing homework” (Poole). A lot of teens and youth want personal money to spend so they get a job, but if there is a lot of homework that will be hard for them. Homework wastes a students life thats why teachers should stop giving us homework.

Some people might say that homework is good for you because it helps you succeed in school. Like Sharon Gomes said: " I think we should do our homework everyday because that would be beneficial for us. We should do our homework because like whatever teachers are teaching us, if we practice and revise that, then we can have more ideas about what and how to do the things. Not only that, for school if we don't do our homework, our marks will easily be reduced. However, I feel we should do our homeworks everyday, and keep a touch to whatever we do in the class for our own benefits.” Yeah its true but I think it will be better how a smart person named Jasmyn said: “I think that homework is given too often and is very time consuming. Teachers seem to forget that students have lives too and don't want to spend the rest of their day doing homework. When I get home from 7 hours of school I want to relax, not do more work. I think we should get homework but a little bit of it and about 3 times a week. Sometimes students just have those days where they just need a break. School can be very overwhelming and teachers don't seem to realize that. We want to learn but we also need time to rest. There are many nights where I don't go to bed until 12:00a.m. and then I have to get up at 6:00a.m. Is homework that necessary that I have to be up that late? I don't think so.” I totally agree with Jasmyn!

In conclusion I would like to say homework causes stress to students, its a burden on teachers, and wastes a students life so we can’t help the community. Teachers how about you think this over and start assigning less homework.

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