Textbook V. Tablet | Teen Ink

Textbook V. Tablet

April 4, 2013
By Schroeder1998 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Schroeder1998 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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In California’s RiverSide Unified School District, kids that use tablets versus the average textbook scored a 20% higher in the standardized tests that’s 100% versus an 80% that's huge. When someone talking about college ACT or SAT tests that could be the difference between paying your way thru college or getting a full ride scholarship to a big university. This is just one of the many benefits to switching to a tablet based schools. Some other benefits would be saving money and paper, a tablet is much lighter than a textbook. There are some not so good things about the tablet like that it gives kids more excuses but the tablet is also just fun and easy to use and anyone can do is.
Many people think the tablet is expensive and they will lose money but that’s not true. What is true is that a school switches to tablets could save as much at five hundred dollars a student according to a 2012 report from the Federal Communications Commission or the FCC. Textbooks are quite expensive because of all the papers in a textbooks, but with a tablet someone just need to download or update an app to get the most recent textbooks and that means saving money. Being cheaper and more environmentally sound than a textbook is just some of the many positives about switching to tablets.
Another positive about switching to tablets is that they are lighter than textbooks. If someone fill a tablet with textbooks and other educational things which is about 3500 books it will weigh a billionth of a billionth of an ounce more than if it was empty that's the approximate weight of DNA molecule, but if you have 3500 textbooks it will weigh about 2 tons according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Imagine if you were carrying around 2 tons of books thats like carrying around a baby elephant or lifting a smart car that wouldn't be fun. There is much more good than bad about the tablet

There are a few flaws with a school switching to tablets. One of the biggest flaws is that there are a lot of excuses that a student can use for not doing their homework such as: “my tablet froze”, “I lost by charger”. This flaw is probably the only flaw that is big enough to keep a school from switching to tablets according to Textbook V. Tablet. This problem can be easily overcome by just having two or three extra tablets in the back of the room that a student could use if they forgot or the battery went dead. That just proves that the pros out why the cons in the tablets case.
One of the biggest things that makes schools want to swich is that tablets are very versatile everyone knows how to use one. The One Laptop Per Child Organisation said they dropped off two crates of tablets filled with educational apps in a rural village in ethiopia for preschoolers and within five days the students were using them like they had known to their whole lives. That’s why tablets are ten times more versatile than textbooks and everyone will agree with me.
There are many more positives for a school switching to tablets and I have just told you a few. How a tablet will save you money, how tablet is lighter than a textbook, some of the disadvantages of switching , and why a tablet is just fun and easy to use. There are lots of other positives about switching to tablets and there are also a lot more disadvantages to switching but its obvious that the positives strongly outweigh the negatives. There are many things the tablet can be used for and whatever you uses it for it will only produce positive things for you.

The author's comments:
I'm cool just like my paper.

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