January 8, 2014
By wakimo w BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
wakimo w BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I think students shouldn't have homework or a packet when they go on vacation because they don’t have time to have to spend with their families, they don’t have time to have to have fun, also they can get detention for home work.I know why students get homework, it is because the teachers want them to learn why they aren’t at school. Also they want to see if they can do it by themselves . But I still believe that kids shouldn’t have homework on vacation on at home.

One reason that students shouldn’t get homework at home or over break is because they have no time to spend with their families because they spend most of their time at school and doing homework.

Another reason students shouldn’t get homework or packets on a break because they have no time to play with friends or play their video games. One reason they don’t have time to play is because they can get depressed by thinking about harder work to do the next day. Also they spend most of their time doing homework so they don’t have much time to play.

Another reason why students shouldn’t get homework is because they can get detention not completing their work.Also if they weren’t there they can get an zero on that homework.

In conclusion, these are some reasons why students shouldn’t have homework. Also I think some students will agree with my reasons because most students don’t like homework or don’t like doing homework. For example out of KIPP DC 24/25 students think they shouldn’t have homework or a break packet.This shows most students don’t like homework.

The author's comments:
What had inspired me to write this was that I have to go home every night and do homework.

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