death of two seniors | Teen Ink

death of two seniors

October 18, 2008
By Anonymous

It started out as a normal Friday in May, 2008. We all had school that day. There was a crash Friday night. The police said the teens had been passing each other while traveling at a very fast speed. The police said a car droved by Evan Y. who was 18 years old. The other driver was Jeffrey C. who was 19 years old. They were passing each other. When Evan lost control of his car while completing a pass. The car struck several trees before coming to a stop and erupting into flames. The crash was around 10:18pm. Evan and Britt B. who was 18 years old got killed. The police said Jeff and the two passengers in his car saw the crash and he tried to stop quickly but in doing so he hit the berm and struck the guardrail. That Monday was not a normal day. That Friday before they were killed we had a program about drunk driving. The two seniors were suppose to graduate in June.

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