Why Does it Matter What I Believe??? | Teen Ink

Why Does it Matter What I Believe???

March 5, 2014
By suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
suzieqa SILVER, Hemet, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life in not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away

What matters to me is my religon and what I dont get is why other people care. why they have to think of me as a different just becouse I believe somthing and I'm happy that way.For thousands of years this has been happening,to the Jews,and the Holy Roman Cathlic Church in the 18-19 century.It happens to religions that have rock and roll and the science tolagy. But for me it is the fact that I'm mormon. Apparently what ever relion you are means somthing like you are weird cause you dont eat meat, dont use profanity, or the big one these days is saving your self for maraige. But why is this?? Why does it matter???... thats just it,it should not matter, they are me choice and I'm not trying to change you in to me so why are you?You people who do this are discriminating us, how would you like it if everyone who believed diffrent then you said "ohh you wont get it cuz you are this or that" or " you just do or act that way because of your religin" Why cant I act like a good person and have personal standars for myself without it haveing to do with my religion. There are millions of people in this worrld and Thousands of them are genarly good people and yeah sure some have their faith but otheres are just good. so why cant you think i'm one of them. I like to believe im genarly good and would be without my religoin.So stop holding us back or making it harder to be who we want to be,please. And if you have a problem with me or anyone else being or believing what we might then just leave us alone and we will leave you alone. There is no point in talking down to someone for anything especially somthing that uplifts them and makes them a better person. I dont care what you believe in or what you do just dont bring me down with you or limit me becouse who I choose to be.

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