Society in our world today is nothing like it was | Teen Ink

Society in our world today is nothing like it was

May 5, 2014
By vmariek BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
vmariek BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To the insecure;

I need to talk to you about an alarming issue that the people of this generation are facing. Life in today’s society is nothing like it was. It has gone overboard. People judge, hate, and call each other names based on their appearance. They think that they’re ugly compared to the pretty skinny girl in the magazine; which most of the time, is photo shopped to make them look like a perfect Barbie. When in reality, they’re an average person, just like all of us. But the thing is, we’re all beautiful. God created us to look the way we do. We get brought down every day by society. Do you think God would have wanted that? We have created a society that makes people hate who they are. People are afraid to be themselves.

A lot of these targets are aimed towards teenagers, sometimes, even younger. This has all created that little voice inside of your head telling you that “you shouldn’t wear this, it makes you look fat” or “you should wear more makeup, you need to cover up that zit”, all because of this stupid society that makes people think that there is such thing as a perfect person. There are not. Nobody’s perfect.

It’s not just self-image that society has affected. Back then, children respected their families, spent time together, and honored their family. Kids created something with their imagination even with just a little old shoe box. They didn’t need electronics or electricity to keep them entertained. When I was little I remember watching The Sandlot for the first time with my dad. He said “When I was little, all we did was go outside and play ball on the field until dinner time”, and every time my dad and I went to the field to play, no kids were there. It was empty.
A lot of things have changed. Look at us. We go walking around with our underwear hanging out. The fashion industry has created that “amazing body” that all of us want and some people do terrible things for it that harms their bodies, just to look like the guy or girl in the magazine.

A lot of people have a lot less morals and values than they did. They live life thinking “YOLO (you only live once)” and go off and do whatever they want because they want to. I think that is fine, but when you hurt others because of it, that is exactly why our society is so messed up. We need a change. Our generation needs to step things up and do something about this because I don’t want my kids growing up in the kind of society that I did. Everyone is beautiful and you shouldn’t get that thought in your head that you aren’t. No one should. Be your own you. You are amazing.
Your Conscience

The author's comments:
I hope that people will read this article with an open mind and to listen to it as best as they can because when people read something like this they might not think about how bad it has gotten.

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