Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? | Teen Ink

Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?

May 28, 2014
By rierw BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
rierw BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Instead of when getting home and jumping on homework to get it out of the way its straight to the computer. On social networking sites we all go tweeting away, sharing someones status, or posting the selfie you just took on Instagram. Were just wasting time when we could be doing something so much more productive. You could say its unnecessary procrastination that almost everyone is involved around, from the youth to the elder people. There is a variety of people on them and that is exactly why it would be a large source of revenue. While it may seem to be a great benefit to some people, it actually has a lot of disadvantages because there are many problems with the social networks such as time being wasted and so much more.

It is true that social media benefit things such as a corporation and/or a small business. It would help them be more united with their customers. They would be able to see what people are buying and/ or wanting within the range of the business. Also it would help them find employees or employers. Next, social networking can benefit people that are really shy and are not really sure how to approach someone face to face. They say that a percentage of kids do not feel so uncomfortable taking to someone on a social media site. Social networking can build up a persons confidence and help them start talking to people. That could lead to something good such as them talking to people off of a social networking site. ( and USC Anneberg School)

Musicians and artist are able to build up confidence too by putting their work on social media. It can also benefit them by getting themselves out there and letting people see their talents. Those people would be able to give constructive criticism so they can improve as a musician or an artist. The last benefit would be the fact that students will be able to collaborate with other students and teachers. They would be able to get a group message going and see what others are thinking about a certain question. There are benefits to having a Facebook, Twitter, and/ or an Instagram.

However, true all of these ideas if you are on a social network site you would be wasting a lot of time on things that are unnecessary like tweeting or posting selfies. You could be doing much more productive things. You could do your homework or learn how to do something that you have never done before. If corporations or a small business want to connect with their customers they can talk to them as they come and go to the store, ask around what people are into these days and so on. If a business is worried about not getting the word out that they are hiring they could have signs and billboards that people can see. Instead of being online, people could and should go out and explore their options. They would have more face to face interactions with others and plus the more they do it the better they will get.

If you are on a social networking site people can easily cyber bully you where no one can see it happen. Even though it is possible for someone to be bullied offline its a public area where there is other people around. Plus it is less likely because not all people that are going to cyber bully will come up to you and confront you if they are not behind a computer screen. Overall it would not be as likely to happen if it were not to happen on a social networking site. Go out and explore. Get away form the social networking sites. (Consumer Reports survey)

In addition, Social media does not really help a student. .Social media allows students to collaborate not just with each other but their teachers. It would also allow a group of students to cheat on many different assignments even if only one kid shares the answers on a social network. It would be able to spread around the whole internet just like a epidemic would spread or even a simple flu would spread. Also students would be able to facilitate inappropriate behaviors with there teacher and as the teacher would be able to do the same. It would also be secret if they were to per say direct message. “There were eighty six cases between two thousand seven and eight.” ( Therefore, there has been too many student teacher relationships. Also, social media drops students gpa from “3.86 to a 3.06” ( That is if someone does not use social networking compared to someone who does.

Social media should be limited then multiple problems would be either eliminated or at least. If so that would be fantastic there would be less stress for many different people. It is important to go out and be social person so that you can be a worldly person instead of someone who is behind a computer screen all the time. You could go out and do something better than be behind a computer.

Works cited:
“Social Networking” Proconorg Headlines. Np, n.d Web. 20 May 2014.
“Pros and Cons of Social Networking.” N.p.,n.d. Web.25 May 2014.
“Patrick's Photography Blog.” - Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? N.p.,n.d. Web.25 May 2014.
“3Qs: The Social Impact of Social Networks.” News Northeastern. N.p.,n.d. Web.25 May 2014.

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