The Hero In YOU | Teen Ink

The Hero In YOU

February 13, 2015
By ShyraB BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
ShyraB BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath, then you will be successful.

Saving the day, I flew from off of the top of the building, and landed onto the head of the big green monster that has destroyed the city. As i look around I notice woman and children screaming and crying, men protecting their families, and people running for their lives. I took the blade out of the side of my superwoman suit, and jabbed it directly in the heart killing him instantly. I am the hero of the day. With my super speed and my ability to fly, i can conquer anything.

Suddenly i wake up drenched in sweat and anxious to have a sip of water. i am standing in my kitchen leaning my arm up against the door of the refrigerator. I placed the glass of water on the counter next to the toaster and walked back to my room to continue sleeping. I woke up around 9:57 A.M. I walk to the kitchen, and notice the glass of water that was left over from the night before. Seeing that glass of water immediately reminds me of why i had to get up and get a drink of water the night before, because if my dream of me saving the day.

Pondering on the thought of me being a super hero, brought a peculiar thought to my mind. I realized I did not have to be this amazingly fast, flying super hero that wears a suit, to save the day. I am a hero within myself. Just by doing a kind act of complimenting someone can make someone's day. Being appreciative and showing respect can make me a hero. Giving someone good advice and maintaining a positive attitude can make me a hero. Everyone can and has been a hero to someone. It is all about finding the hero in you, and you can conquer anything.

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