Books of People | Teen Ink

Books of People

November 6, 2016
By LeahGlipolli BRONZE, Kottayam, Oregon
LeahGlipolli BRONZE, Kottayam, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Simplicity carried to an extreme is elegance

If this world were a library. And all of us;each homo sapiens a different kind of book. The elemental words  combining  to form the compound of books. Each page constituting the eventful history.

If we delve into the concept  of books. We'll find  a diverse  collection  of them. All neatly but unevenly stacked up in this library of life. I figure, there are mainly three types of books:

1) Beautiful books. These books are generally the No.1 bestsellers. Put right in front on the VIP rack; so much so that when we first enter, we would find them  as very  striking and handsome. Their covers (appearance) are very glamourous, embellished with glitter and colour. They look good to buy and put 'em up in your library; on a showcase to show-off to others. They are full on attraction-oriented  ones. But their standard ends right then and there. They come off as fancy on the outside but shallow on the inside. They may seem good to buy but bad to read.

2) Mysterious books. These books are very rare to find. Hidden up in some mysterious locations. Once we find them, we are eager to take possession of them cuts with rarity comes value. We love chasing them and pay a pretty price for them, overestimating their worth. We read the book once, but fail to understand them. We fall under the belief that they stand for something truer and higher that can only be understood by brilliant minds. The book remains a forever mystery. But what good is a book that can't be deciphered by ordinary chaps; that can't move commonplace hearts; that cant brighten or grieve contemporary souls; that can't outshine the simplest of brains. Therefore, these books fail to satisfy good readers . 

3) Third type of books. These books don't have a particular name. Some call them unnamed books. In a way, they are right. Ther are unnamed cuts they are unnameable. They don't fall under the category of either mystery or attraction; of rare one-pieces or bestsellers. They remain virtually invisible though they are right in front of you. Books, which though under your peripheral vision still seem to be absent as if they don't even exist. But they DO. They are underestimated of their value. Their covers may seem dull and dreary or normal, which makes one overlook its worthz; judging by appearance failing to understand they appearances are deceptive. It takes courage to overlook their covers into their worth. And a person who buys the book proves himself worthy of the book as it proves itself worthy of the reader and swells his satisfaction and goes beyond expectations. They are not stellar or showy but simple and contained. Simplicity is a style in itself. And the book lives up to the saying, "Simplicity carried to an extreme is elegant ".They are an peon book for all to read. Just that a very few do read them. They don't come off as beautiful books but beautifying books.

The author's comments:

This article is strictly opinion-oriented. Books are written here as a metaphor  to people portraying various kinds of people. Here, covers mean appearance. This article can also applicable to finding true friendsor lovers

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