Vice to Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice to Virtue

May 13, 2019
By Anonymous

In The Scarlet Letter, Hester’s A originally stands for “adultery” but eventually comes to represent her “ability”. Throughout my life, I have found that sloth is my vice. Because of my heavy workload, I tend to procrastinate when it comes to studying or doing homework assignments. Sloth is one of the seven deadly sins. When neglecting being productive, I am neglecting opportunity to do something beneficial with my time. Because I procrastinate, I stay up all night trying to finish homework. My lack of sleep can also affect others around me. People tend to have low patience and a short temper when tired. Sloth is sometimes only interpreted as “laziness”.  However, a slothful person is unwilling to do what God wants us to do because of the effort it takes to do it. Sloth becomes a sin when it detours us away from God’s path and causes us to avoid doing things that will benefit us in the end.

In contrast, my virtue is self-discipline. Many people admire my self-discipline because self-discipline is a virtue that is hard to aquire with peer pressure. In many situations, I have the willpower to surpass temptations disregarding what others are doing around me. Even though some may think that doing what is right is uncool, there will be people that respect your decisions and what you stand for. Even though my vice and virtue can be interpreted as complete opposites, they vary within certain situations: school, chores, everyday life. When wearing my S, I experienced a couple of glances in the hall and a couple of questions. However, most of the questions about the S came from my family. My parents surprisingly agreed with both my vice and virtue. All in all, this was a fun assignment that allowed self-evaluation.

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