Naive and Irresponsible | Teen Ink

Naive and Irresponsible

May 13, 2019
By bdanflous BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
bdanflous BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The soundtrack of the 2013 film version of The Great Gatsby contains songs that portray the characters, themes, and symbols of the novel. There are several songs that are played throughout the movie, and one of the songs is “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” by Fergie, Q-Tip, and GoonRock. The title of the song alone already contains important symbols that are seen in the novel. During the course of The Great Gatsby, there are several different parties that start off really well but end up in disaster. The title of this song shows the naiveness of some of the characters during and after the wild parties. At the dinner party at the Buchannan’s, Daisy is reunited with her cousin Nick, and they are having a really good time. When the party is close to coming to an end, Tom gets a call from his mistress, Myrtle. This changes the mood for the whole party because it is an uncomfortable situation for all of the guests present. Daisy is upset by the phone call, and this is just one of many parties that come to a somber end. The next catastrophe that occurred was after Gatsby's first party. “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” was actually playing during this event, and it is because we see two different themes during Gatsby’s party. In the beginning, the party is going wonderful, and everyone is having a great time. When it is time for everyone to go home, there is a car accident in the front driveway of Gatsby’s house. This is just another example of a party gone wrong. Also during the party, there was a huge amount of alcohol. Nick, the narrator, gets drunk along with every other person at the party. In the song, it says: “A little party never killed nobody So we gon’ dance until we drop, drop.” This line represents the indulgence of alcohol during this time period. People used alcohol as a means of escape, and that is what the characters in the novel were doing. Nick describes himself as “roaring drunk” during the party, and the alcohol plays a large part in why the parties always end badly. At each event, there is alcohol present, and the outcome of each shows the irresponsible nature of the characters. The next party that takes an unwanted turn is the apartment party with Myrtle, Tom, and Nick. This party was also an excuse for the characters to get really drunk, and at the end, Tom slaps Myrtle in the face. Alcohol brings out the worst in people, and the characters in The Great Gatsby are perfect examples of this. “A Little Party Never Killed Nobody” is the perfect song to show the irony in all the parties held throughout the novel.

Another song that contains themes and symbols is “Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Ray. This song applies to Gatsby and Daisy’s relationship. Gatsby and Daisy met young when they were both naive. Gatsby held onto this love and based his whole life around a fantasy. He bought a house to be close to her, and he threw all of the parties hoping that Daisy would show up. Gatsby wants to recreate the past, but he does not realize that Daisy is not the same person she was when they met five years before. His expectations are much too high and there is only room for disappointment. In the song, it says: “Will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful.” This might as well be Daisy singing this song to Gatsby because of how well is exemplifies their relationship. Gatsby’s whole love for Daisy is based on a memory, and he does not realize that Daisy has changed immensely. Daisy is still young and very beautiful, but she does not have the same wishes and desires that she had when she met Gatsby. The first time we see this change is at the apartment with Tom, Daisy, Nick, and Jordan. Gatsby is trying to get Daisy to admit that she never loved Tom and that she only loves Gatsby. Gatsby is greatly disappointed when Daisy admits that she, in fact, did love Tom. This revelation destroys Gatsby’s whole fantasy. For the past five years, Gatsby believed that he was Daisy’s only love, and he just needed to see her again for her to see that. The chain of events that comes from this realization is terrible, and Gatsby is still naive in what he and Daisy have until he dies. “Young and Beautiful” portrays the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy in a very important way.

The author's comments:

This piece is an analysis of the soundtrack of the 2013 film of The Great Gatsby, the significance of the songs to the novel. 

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