Teach don't kill | Teen Ink

Teach don't kill

January 10, 2020
By jacekcabrajac123 BRONZE, West Des Monies, Iowa
jacekcabrajac123 BRONZE, West Des Monies, Iowa
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When children die and start killing others why disregard their mental health and give their biased teachers a gun to threaten and scare them. Giving teachers across America isn’t safe because the teacher is not trained, may be biased, and may threaten misbehaving students. 

Teachers are not weapons they are people who guide the youth of America and help them pave a path to success in life. Teachers are important to a child’s life and some student-teacher relationships even remain after school is over for the student. A teachers work schedule is constant teachers work 24 hours a day 7 days a week, whether it is a student emailing his or her teacher a question about the pathagreom theorem at 3:14 am on a Saturday, That teacher I moral obligated as a good teacher to respond to that email as soon as they see it. Teachers’ that care about their student’s success will tell the student in the back of the class that if they are having trouble at home that, they can let him or her know if they ever want to study at their house and they are welcome to ask for help with anything. There is a reason why we hear stories of teachers letting homeless students live with them for a time period, and its because teachers are constantly giving their own time away to students because they want what’s best for them in life and they know that they are an extremely important part of that. So now with all that on their plate are teachers going to find the time to educate themselves on gun laws and how to use a deadly weapon the correct and proper way, The answer is they shouldn’t have to their job is to teach the youth, not kill it.

For as many great teachers there are on this earth there is at least one bad apple, and that bad apple is rotten if given tool to kill. As much as teachers try to remain equal with their attention to students some will have biases, and some will be homophobic, and some will be racist and that is not some random risk you should take. We should not be wondering if Mr. Stevens the science teacher is going to pull out his gun and shoot Rodney 18 times in the chest because he was talking too loud and is a gay black man. It doesn’t matter what you look like or where you were raised we all have bias, implicit or explicit, and if hate crimes like that happen in the real world all the time why wouldn’t they happen more in a classroom with an armed teacher.

Students who are likely to explode and become “school shooters” and or violent in the classroom are the same students who are quiet or aggressive when it is inappropriate to do so. Students that are reclusive need to be opened up by someone who is kind and willing to take the time to work with them and show them what the outside world has to offer and make them love school. Ninety-one percent of Americas 1-12 students are part of the public school system, that’s a lot of kids and many of them, especially with this generation, are suffering from anxiety and depression. Emotionally unstable students don’t need the looming dread that their teacher could use a gun to force any student in the room to do anything they want. Students want to talk with their teacher without having to look out for a gun on their hip.

In conclusion, millions of teachers are kind and mindful of their student’s personal boundaries, weaknesses, and strengths in their learning but many teachers are not as nice and if given a gun would be corrupted with power and use the weapon he in the correct way. Teachers who are great and hard-working have on thing in common with those horrible teachers and its that they won’t use the weapon properly either but is because they don’t have time to learn how.  As a student myself I know guns don’t belong in the classroom and is the wrong solution to students growing mental health issues and the teachers are paid to do what they love, which is teach not kill.

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about guns and school

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