Letter | Teen Ink


January 15, 2020
By ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ahs2020 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking through the doors of this classroom feeling the judge free vibe, and people being themselves is always a good sign. Looking around our class it is majority juniors, which means us seniors need to take some leadership. We need to show some responsibility, kindness, and welcome and help the juniors. 

I am really looking forward to this class. I don’t refer to myself as a good writer at all, but I am willing to give my best to improve this skill that I lack. I took english during grade school and middle school as well. The only other writing class that I have taken was composition last year. Walking in everyday with a good attitude and the willingness to give everything I have to become a better writer. Giving my all in journal entries will definitely help my creativity and just give me repetition to writing. I believe that if I give everything I have I will become a better writer than when I walked in on the first day. 

Setting goals for myself is something that motivates me to get better, whether that’s in sports or school. My first goal for this semester are becoming significantly better at writing, especially grammar and word choice. This would make me sound like a more intelligent person. My second goal is to become a published author not only to put on a college application, but for myself. If I were to accomplish all of these things I would be very proud of myself and a lot more confident in my writing abilities. Being a strong writer is very important in everyday life, whether its college or a job. Being a strong writer to me is having good word choice, no dead words, everything makes sense and is related, being creative, having good grammar, and just enjoy writing.Writing applies everywhere. 

Being in Mrs. Carnell's composition class last year let me get used to the one point grading system. As soon as I finished my first assignment I loved it. Simply getting my assignments done on time and with quality you get your point. The majority of kids love this system. The ones who don’t are the ones who can’t get their work in on time. I completely agree with the no late work system as well. Once we get into college there is no accepting late work so why not get everyone used to it now.

Overall, I am really looking forward to this semester of creative writing. I am excited to meet new people, improve my writing, and get to know a new teacher. Developing my writing is my most important thing to me for college and later in the future. I believe this semester will help me achieve that. 

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