Immigration essay | Teen Ink

Immigration essay

February 5, 2020
By Anonymous

Have you ever wondered what happens in Venezuela? Well, let me tell you what happened after Colombia and Venezuela separated. Venezuela was one of the richest countries thanks to how much oil there is on their country then Hugo Chavez came as a President and almost took away poverty in Venezuela then, unfortunately, he died from cancer in 2013 at the age of 58. Then Nicolas Maduro former President of Venezuela took over and became president, as a result, many Venezuelans became refugees and left their country. Now let’s talk about refugees. Refugees are people that are forced to leave their country for the escape of war or because of a crisis, for example, Venezuela is right now in a crisis. That’s why I’m studying about Venezuela because I want to find out what is making so many people look for asylum, in order to help my reader understand that not only war can make people go for asylum. 

First of all, let me tell you about the government of Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro changed the law on purpose to keep him on the presidency. According to Elliot Abrams, ¨We want to see Venezuelans deciding the fate of their country, in a free election.¨ what this means is that the citizens want to have the right to vote because Nicolas Maduro made a change that no citizen can vote and he did it on purpose to have more power and have more money. Nowadays days,

there are many people on the street fighting for their rights protesting to have a better Venezuela. This has to do with my question because many Venezuelans don’t like the government and flee to another country.

Then, the UN thinks “We stand with the Venezuelan people as they seek to build a better life for themselves.”(Mike Pompeo, UN)  What this means is that Venezuelans would do anything to build a new Venezuela and change their future and finally become the Venezuelans they always wanted to. This is connected to my question which is why Venezuelans are looking for asylum because they are leaving their country to start a new life most of them go to Colombia or Spain and change their identity because of the shame. Venezuelans have been through a lot and you never know if the coffee that you bought two minutes ago was Venezuelan coffee.


This is what the Venezuelans have to say about their country.”Ya no hay Comida, medicine, y la Plata ya no sirve para nada.” Wh at this means is that since Venezuela is broke there is no more food, no medicine, and the money does not work for anything since there is nothing left. This has to do with my question because these are some reasons they are seeking asylum in other countries, Most of the Venezuelans are going to Colombia because in their past there was a war and Venezuela accepted the Colombians so know the Colombians are returning the favor. Venezuelans in Colombia that were rich are now making purses out of the bills of 100,200,500. This is so sad we need to take the selfish man that is making this amazing place into hell.


Finally, this topic is about why Venezuelans are seeking asylum and what is causing it. Many people are starving therefore, they have to walk hours to get to Colombia or wait for hours to get to another country and get food. We should all accept Venezuelans as friends that we need help and that we should support and always be there if they need help so if you see a Venezuelan family immigrating help them.

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