Artificial Intelligence | Teen Ink

Artificial Intelligence

March 27, 2022
By bhosid SILVER, Fremont, California
bhosid SILVER, Fremont, California
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Artificial Intelligence is a process of designing smart computer systems which think intelligently, in the similar manner we humans think. Intelligence is defined as ability of a system to smartly think and make decisions, learn from experience, store the information in memory and retrieve it, solve problems , use natural language fluently and  perform actions as per the outcome of processing.

Artificial intelligence makes use of the disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology, Psychology, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. A major thrust of AI is in the development of computer functions associated with human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem solving.

Machine Learning : It is a form of artificial intelligence. Device can successfully predict and react to unfolding scenarios based on previous outcomes. It has intelligent algorithms to continuously learn from input data & uses statistical analysis to predict an output value within an acceptable range. The algorithms allow the machines to learn independently without programmers having to intervene in the ongoing learning process.

As a part of learning process, it stores large, high-quality amount of data which acts as training material. It analyzes huge amount of data in a short time, creating  conclusions from it. It optimizes its algorithm to present accurate interpretations, much more than what humans can do with the same time constraints. When it gets newer sets of data, it will adapt and update  its algorithms to get even better at what it does.


Deep learning : It is a type of machine learning. It has a layered architecture to analyze data. It comprises of multiple processing layers, with each layer using the output from the previous layer to inform its results. It is also known as hierarchical learning. As it keeps processing more data, its learning improves further, which refines its ability to make correlations and connections. Because of multiple processing layers, deep learning systems make most accurate predictions without humans intervening.

Deep learning is based on the way biological neurons connect with one another to process information in the brains of animals. It has layered structure called artificial neural network. Each subsequent layer of nodes is activated when it receives stimuli from its neighboring neurons.


Fields of Application of Artificial Intelligence : Artificial intelligence has been growing very fast in our modern society.  As per Forbes, even as far back as few years ago in 2017, 51% of modern enterprises have deployed AI, with the industry itself valued at $16 billion USD. This is projected to exponentially grow further & can reach as high as $190 billion USD in 2025. Artificial Intelligence is expected to quickly evolve from a nice-to-have technology to a have-to-have technology.

Alexa (like Apple’s Siri or Microsoft’s Cortana) is a voice assistant that people can talk to. Alexa can help us with so many different things ranging from figuring out the weather to deciding which restaurant to go to, shopping online and so much more

AI Powered Chatbots: Chatbots serve to automate otherwise manual, time intensive initial candidate screening. Examples Mya, Evolv. More and more companies are already trying to integrate chatbots into their customer communications.

Netflix’s Recommendations: Netflix keeps track of the things that an individual watches and it smartly recommends the stuff which people would like based on their viewing tendencies. It quickly helps users find the right content for them in the massive sea of content on the platform and ultimately makes the experience better for all the viewers. This is all possible because of AI.

Amazon Recommendations work on similar lines as Netflix recommendation algorithms.

Autonomous driving is another AI field of application that uses a robot as a driver.

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