why more people should know Spencer Babosa | Teen Ink

why more people should know Spencer Babosa

April 11, 2024
By Anonymous

Have you ever watched that one youtuber or tiktoker that just made you feel so good and confident about yourself? While it's true that watching videos can affect health in some ways, people should care more about Spencer Babosa because she helps your mental health, she makes you feel good about yourself, and she always makes you feel comfortable with how you are. 

First of all, people should care more about Spencer Babosa because she helps mental health. she will tell you how pretty and amazing you are just you not with makeup.She also helps with not liking your body shape. According to the national library of medicine 80%of people with BDD experience a lifetime suicidal ideation and 24% to 28% have attempted suicide. mental health is super important and can get really bad 

Next, more people should watch Spencer Babosa because she makes you feel good. She says how awesome you are and gives you tips on how to love yourself for who you are. She isn’t like a lot of people thinking all about makeup and your body. She is confident with all naturalness which makes you feel good about you.You should watch her because it's important to feel good about yourself. Feeling good is good.

Lastly, more people need a person that they just feel comfortable with and could be who they are and not be scared. Spencer is that person for me. She always makes you feel comfortable if you don’t want to do something she will instead do it with you like if you don’t want to wear a bikini to a pool she will wear a tshirt with you to the pool. If you are feeling down about anything she will hype you up, making you feel so much better and help you feel confident.Some people would say that watching a screen will not help mentally. I think that if you watch the right people and including Spencer Babosa she will make your mental health at least feel better. 

mental health is so important and some others have made argumentative essays about it so I believe since it is important to have good mental health I think Spencer can help with that.In conclusion I believe Spencer Babosa can help your mental health in many ways and I think you should watch her even if you already have good mental health. And I feel more people need good mental health and to be honest a lot don’t. I think Spencer should be more loved for what she does. It's so important. Everyone wants to feel good so why not watch her videos to help feel good. You know when you watch someone's video and you are like ugh i wish i was he and i'm so much bigger than her well you ain't going to feel that way about her you will feel the opposite. You need to feel good so just try it and watch her.

The author's comments:

i think that Spencer could really help some people and that it is so inportant.

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