Why People Should Care About Art | Teen Ink

Why People Should Care About Art

April 11, 2024
By addie_hagedorn30 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
addie_hagedorn30 BRONZE, Oregon City, Oregon
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Many people don’t think or care about art, which I think should change because art is helpful in many ways and artists can make enough money to live if people would care enough about art. Although some people aren’t very good at art or don’t care for it, it is still a helpful way to calm your body and mind, a way to express your feelings and emotions, and there are many different kinds of ways to create art and express yourself.

First, art calms your body and mind and can help with the struggles of mental health. It can help your mind rest and reduce stress. It can also help with anxiety, by calming your brain and calming you down if you are feeling overwhelmed. Art is a great coping mechanism for anxiety and depression by getting your mind off of overwhelming thoughts, or big events that are coming up that you are feeling nervous about. You can regulate your emotions by doing something creative like art to regulate your negative feelings, and get your mind going to create art. Art can convey emotions because of the colors, the landscapes that are painted, and how peaceful it is. Yes, art can be stressful, but only if you let it be.

A better example of why people should care about art is that it is a very good way to express yourself by letting go of all of your negative feelings. Art is a way to express your talents, ideas, emotions, and your perspective on things. It can help many people express their thoughts by creating just a piece of art showing their perspective about themself or their perspective. Showing your emotions through writing is a very effective way to express yourself, because you can write how you feel and describe your emotions, like writing a poem about yourself. Art is a way to understand yourself and your emotions.

My last reason for why people should care about art is that there are multiple types of arts like painting, drawing, music, theater, architecture, photography, filmmaking, sculpting, and literature. You can express yourself through all of those arts. Painting, drawing, and sculpting (or architecture)  are the arts that are made by hand, which a lot of people do. Filmmaking and photography are both similar too, because they both are made with a camera. Music is made from singing, making music by playing an instrument, or making music with a computer. Literature has many different types like poetry, descriptive writing, creative writing, novels, and the list goes on. Theater is from performing/acting, which is a form of art too. All of these types of art can calm someone and be a way for someone to express themselves. Although a lot of people don’t have any interest in art or don’t think they’re very good at it and art can be time consuming if you think it is, it’s a good way to relieve yourself and help so you have some time to forget about something you are feeling overwhelmed with.  


In conclusion, people should care about art because it’s calming, a way to express yourself, and there are many different kinds of art. If people took the time to try doing art, (it doesn’t matter which kind of art type) people would have more ways of dealing with negative emotions and be able to express themselves through art.

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