Mars Colonization | Teen Ink

Mars Colonization

May 21, 2013
By 16LDouglas BRONZE, Spirit Lake, Iowa
16LDouglas BRONZE, Spirit Lake, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars” - Stephen Hawking. Stephen Hawking is right. Eventually the planet Earth as we know it will be no more. So the question is what are three ways to colonize mars. It seems if we put our best scientists together we could do it. It would take a lot of work but we could do it. It would take a lot of money but we need to do it. We would be known for doing it too; if we were to do it.

The colonization of Mars has some perks but it does have some problems with the atmosphere and other things that are and aren’t on the planet. There is frozen ground water on the planet so if we were to use it as an alternative planet we could melt down the water when we need it. It is also known as the most habitable in the solar system besides earth. It is also the closest planet to us so we wouldn’t need to go as far as the rest if we went to colonize different planets. Mars has a much thinner atmosphere than Earth does. Could hold more humans than the moon could. We would somehow come up with the money to try colonizing Mars. Another thing is that the days are similar to ours and wouldn’t really need that much time to get used to. Mars has little bit more water mass than the Earth does. It a tiny bit less land mass. Mars has half the radius than Earth. Has a lower average density than the Earth. A good place to colonize because it has seasons like Earth. Mars has a similar planetary tilt but Mars years are almost a year longer than Earth years. Since the years are longer Mars has almost twice as long seasons. The atmosphere has some protection from solar and cosmic radiation. The atmosphere can be successfully used for aerobraking. Which is when an aircraft uses the atmosphere of the planetary body for slowing down in the lowest orbit. Has a pretty good amount of the elements needed for life of humans that we would need on Earth. Mars gravity is thirty eight percent of Earth’s. We don’t yet know if Mars has enough gravity to keep us from getting sick from the lack of gravity. Mars is a whole lot colder than Earth its average surface temperature is -63º C (-143º F) and has a low of 140º C (284º F). Now thats cold! It is further from the Sun but does have a thinner atmosphere. The atmospheric pressure is 6 mbars below the Armstrong Limit which is a very good. The atmosphere is mainly carbon dioxide but is fifteen times more than the Earth.

Eventually in time Earth as we know it will become over populated. Our scientists have the equipment to be able for us as the human race to live on Mars. Over time Mars’ water supply have deteriorated and Mars has became an arid wasteland full of volcanoes and sand. But if america can figure out a way to be able to thrive and survive in the wasteland of Mars.

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