Why Cattle Are the Most Interesting Animals on Earth | Teen Ink

Why Cattle Are the Most Interesting Animals on Earth

June 6, 2014
By LukeGoodson777 BRONZE, Brush Prairie, Washington
LukeGoodson777 BRONZE, Brush Prairie, Washington
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There are many animals in the world that are interesting, unique, or useful. But none of these compare to the cow; cows are the most interesting, vital, and unique animals on earth. This is so because cows are used for making many different products, there are many different breeds of cattle to choose from, they need care and attention, there are more than just different breeds of cows but miniature breeds as well, and cattle have a very long and interesting history.

One reason why cows are the most useful animal on earth is because they are used to make so many different products. Now, most people when they think of cows they think of milk, or hamburgers; but cows are used for so much more than just dairy or meat. Given, dairy and meat are some of the most commonly and well known products that come from cows, but almost all of our every-day products are made with some part of a cow incorporated with them. Some of the lesser known products are “buttons, bone china, piano keys, glues, fertilizer, and gelatin for photographic film, paper, wallpaper, sandpaper, combs, toothbrushes, and violin string” ("The Many Uses of a Cow - Beef By-Products | Cattle Empire."). So, clearly, cattle are used for more than just meat, cheese, and milk. These facts are exactly what make the cow on of the most useful animal on earth.

Another reason why cows are the most interesting creature on earth is because they have so many different breeds. Picture a cow; you think of a large, black and white spotted bovine, right? That generic cow breed is technically called a Holstein cow, and another very well known breed is the jersey cow. There are many more breeds of cattle than just these two, in fact, There are at least 97 different breeds of cattle in the world(Pukite, pg. 140). With all these different breeds, it is no wonder why cows are the most interesting and versatile of all the animals on earth.

The next reason why cows are the most fascinating creatures on earth is because they need care, attention and focus. So far you might be thinking, “Gee, I might want to get a few cattle for myself, they sound fun!” Cows aren't all that easy, though. They need care, attention, a large field to graze in, and lots of water. “What are the four big variables in agriculture? They are weather, disease, pestilence and price.” (Salatin, pg. 4). This quote so expertly explains what it takes to take care of cattle because Joel Salatin points out that you need to notice the weather, the price of the animals and products you need to purchase, and the different diseases you need to worry about. All these factors show that cattle are the most fascinating animals on earth because they may be large and study, but if not cared for properly, they can get sick and you end up with McDonald’s quality meat.

Another reason why cows are so interesting is because there are miniature cattle, not just large cows. There are so many different breeds of cattle out there, you don't think there can possibly be any more, right? Wrong, there are ten different types of miniature cattle that are ideal for farmers, but there are more than that in the world ( Breeds of Livestock ). Most people also believe that these miniature cattle breeds are genetically altered to be smaller, but actually they have it backwards. These miniature cattle were the original form of cattle before they were genetically altered to be larger (Goodson, Jeremy; June 3, 2014). This fact is one of the most crucial to prove that cattle are definitely the most useful, and fascinating creatures on God’s earth.

Finally, cows are the most fascinating animals that have ever lived because they have been domesticated for centuries. Not only are cows the most useful creatures today, but they have been used for dairy and meat for centuries. Cattle have been around for a very, very, long time just like any other animal; but, unlike any animal, they have been used and domesticated since the Egyptian and Sumerian times(Historical Timeline). Domesticated basically means they have been kept in a closed area, monitored by humans, and used to get milk. Even the early Egyptians noticed the usefulness of cattle and took full advantage of them.

Cows are the most interesting, vital, and unique animals on earth. This is so because cows are used for making many different products, there are many different breeds of cattle to choose from, they need care and attention, there are more than just different breeds of cows but miniature breeds as well, and cattle have a very long and interesting history. Cows are used to make not only food, but sports, musical, and agricultural products. Also, there are over 97 different breeds of cattle in the world, not just the two generic ones, Holstein and jersey. Next, cattle must have care by humans in the use of food, water, and medicine or else they will not survive. Then, there are a bunch or miniature cattle breeds to add on to the many large cow breeds which make them incredibly unique. Finally, cattle have been used to get milk and other food products since the Egyptian times. With all these facts and information, there is no doubt that cattle are and will always be the most unique, interesting, and useful animals in the world.

The author's comments:
This Essay is because of a school project.

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