A Variety of Pricey Organic Food | Teen Ink

A Variety of Pricey Organic Food

October 6, 2015
By amuzupappa BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
amuzupappa BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Whole Foods Market is a supermarket chain founded in Austin, Texas that specializes in organic foods.  The store prides itself on its self-created quality standards that it bases its products on.  I believe the store lives up to its customers’ expectations by delivering fresh food and plenty of options while providing an environment that feels like home.

My most recent experience at Whole Foods Supermarket was a purchase from the salad bar.  In one of my usual salads, I choose to add garbanzo beans, black beans, broccoli, cheddar cheese and almonds.  Not only does Whole Foods supply all of these items, but they also have plenty more to choose from if I feel like selecting differently from my usual fare.  For example, the supermarket contains all organic kale or spinach to substitute typical romaine lettuce.  In addition, other common vegetables like peppers or tomatoes are offered.  The variety that Whole Foods Market offers is competitive.

Not only is the supermarket’s food impressive, but the atmosphere is also enjoyable.  When walking into the store, I am always amazed at the excessive selection of foods that the supermarket sells.  From produce found around the world in exotic countries in Central America to the twenty different types of nut products stored in tubes for easy access like at candy stores, this store has it all.  One feature that is unique in Whole Foods Supermarket is their Olive Bar.  The selection includes up to ten different types of olives ranging from straight off of the vine to sauteed or soaked in a special broth.  The variety of products that the supermarket offers to its customers allows for endless possibilities to choose from. However, getting carried away by the products can often lead to a dip in wallets.

Whole Foods’ salad bar runs $8.25 per pound.  One pound of salad seems like an abundance, but all of the toppings offered adds to the weight.  For example, my typical salad will add up to around one pound due to my toppings like beans and leafy green choice. However, one way I try to keep the price down is skipping on salad dressing which can also add a lot to weight. Because the food is organic and takes longer to grow, the prices are higher than those found at other supermarkets.

In conclusion, Whole Foods Supermarket offers plenty of products to choose from ranging from salad to olives to nut products.  Many of their products can be bought in an abundance, which is somewhat unique to the supermarket.  However, because the foods are at such high standards, they are priced higher than other supermarkets like Jewel Osco and Dominick’s, which may drive away customers who opt to shop based on price and not quality.

The author's comments:

I have been trying to eat healthier lately and appreciate the variety provided by Whole Foods Market.  I hope people will realise that although the store can be pricey, the options provided are healthier than some other alternatives offered such as fast food.

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