Thought | Teen Ink


May 16, 2016
By snowsparrow SILVER, Plainsboro, New Jersey
snowsparrow SILVER, Plainsboro, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair."

The deepest form of human perception lies in thinking. Sight, hearing, neural perception, taste, and smell are stimulators of thought, rather, extensions of it. Despite this, there is quite a noticeable difference between mere perception and true reflection. To feel is to blandly, often subconsciously acknowledge something that has aroused one’s notice. What, then, is thought?

This question cannot be definitively answered, for multiple possible explanations are feasible. There are those who believe thought to be internal, encompassing one’s reactions to situations or objects presented to them in some manner. In this case, one is usually expected to produce an opinion of some sort, since it is to remain unbiased. This opinion may be controversial for certain parties, thus causing reactions from more individuals, stimulating thought even further. This, in turn, leads to communication and discord, eventually causing other subjects to be mentioned in defense of certain opinions, creating a rapid and often logical flow of agreement and disagreement, otherwise known as conversation. Therefore, the notion of the belief that thought is a reaction to one’s surroundings is equivalent to the dogma that thought leads to communication among the massives, which holds society together in a global situation.

Another theory is that thought is a creation of one’s own, but also connected in some manner to one’s environment. This may be defended by the fact that most thoughts are kept to oneself, predominantly the basic level ones, and the darkest and most important ideas.Those who deem the creation philosophy rational may likely believe that thoughts characterize a person, much like physical appearance and other properties of one’s body that aid in identifying them. When two people express the same idea without discussing the same matter beforehand, the remark “we think alike” may very aptly be used. Nevertheless, how do character traits bear any relation to the thought process and the brain? These are two possibilities in this situation: “Individual traits cause certain thoughts”, and “Thoughts shape individual traits”. A valid and compromising conclusion may be that an individual is born with certain innate traits, but develops others as her or his life progresses due to thoughts that occur to them. 

Inasmuch as there are other ideas regarding the meaning and derivation of thinking, the two most prominent opinions have been dissected here. Even so, the mere creation of thought, especially profound thoughts, will not suffice for guaranteeing its progression and persistence.

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