Passer Test at 100 | Teen Ink

Passer Test at 100

September 15, 2017
By hope32332 BRONZE, Mukwongo, Wisconsin
hope32332 BRONZE, Mukwongo, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At school, we resenal had a seventh grader get a 100 on the fineness grand paser test in gym class. It is important because not many people are able to get this far. Most students give up befor 50 so this is a big achievement.The test is one of the most hated testes in the school so many are surprised that he did it for so long, but with theater investigation  we fought that many student strive to do better on the passer test this is because has humans we puess a determine to do better on tests like these. With the add heart rate ban we can tell that what their heart rate was and if they skipped out early and let me tell you something they were definitely not skipping out. We will now speak with someone on the issue who thought they could beat the seventh grader “I think it was great that a seventh grader got a 100 because it shows that our school is fit,”  said Kai, and now  you know what happen on first period during gym.   

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