Blessed Miguel Pro | Teen Ink

Blessed Miguel Pro

May 13, 2018
By Anonymous

Bl. Miguel Pro was a Mexican saint who joined the Jesuits as a young man. In 1914 a revolution occurred where he and his Jesuit brothers were forced to flee and traveled throughout North America and Spain. Miguel was executed on November 23, 1927 for being a Catholic priest who was accused of attempted assassination.

Bl. Miguel pro was born in Guadeloupe, Mexico to Josefa Juarez and Miguel Pro Sr.. His family called him Miguelito, meaning “little Miguel”, since he shared the same name as his father. Miguel was very close with his oldest sister who entered a cloistered convent; her entering this convent made him realize his own vocation into the priesthood. As a young person Miguel was popular with girls, and he also had a lot going for him with his lucrative career managing his father’s business; however, Miguel held Christ number one in his heart. Miguel entered the Jesuit novitiate in El Lano, Michoacan, in 1911. In 1914, a rush of anti-catholicism came upon Mexico forcing his novitiate to flee to the United States. Miguel was ordained in 1925 In Belgium. Miguel and his priest brothers traveled through Texas and New Mexico before ending up the Jesuit house In Los Gatos, California. In 1926, Padre Pro’s Jesuit brothers sent him back home to Mexico city so that he could get treatment and relief from his chronic stomach illness. Almost a month after Padre arrived back home, President Calles forbid all public worship of Christ. Pro would disguise himself as a mechanic, beggar, etc. and distribute communion and giving out clothing to the poor. Miguel kept up his attempt at secret ministry for a long time. Padre Pro held a special place in his heart for the poor and tried to do everything in his power for them. In November of 1927, there was an attempted assassination of President Calles of Mexico. The bomb used had previously belonged to one of Miguel’s brothers. All three of his brothers were taken and condemned to persecution. Padre Pro rejected the blindfold he was given before persecution and stuck out his arms. “Viva Cristo Rey!”, he shouted as he was being executed.

The aspects of Padre Pro’s life that make him a saint that should be canonized are the facts that he tried everything he could and took risks to devote his life to Christ and his ministry. He stopped at nothing to help the poor, give them what they need, and help them have Jesus in their lives through the Eucharist.

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