The Storyline Must Change | Teen Ink

The Storyline Must Change

October 25, 2018
By dmurphy21 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
dmurphy21 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Global Warming is and always will be the most predominant issue in today’s society unless it is focused on. It is by far the scariest and biggest aggressor towards the Earth and the safety of its people. Global warming also sparks an increase in disagreement and one’s thoughts on another. It has moved from a problem regarding all people, to a political issue where people fight each other based off of their general association. Just because one politician or leader says something does not mean that you have to adhere to or abide by it. As time goes on, this continues to be something that grows and is honesty for the worst. Many people have neglect and incompetence to notice the fact that global warming is knocking on our doorstep and it's not leaving. This is no Halloween ghosting situation. What I’m trying to say is, that global warming is real. Not only that, it’s closer than we think. In the next ten years max, we as humans really need to come together to think about global warming and the way we are going to fight it. If we do band together and fight it, we can and will succeed. If we do not, we all know what the conceivable outcomes are. There's always the typical rise in sea levels and air temperatures. What people don't seem to realize is that it's not just that. There are so many things that come as a result of something else that will further damage the Earth and us humans. This is acknowledged as the domino effect. All it takes is for one thing to happen and it will pinball to the next and to the next until it is too far gone to fix. That's the state we are at now. It is possible for us to fix it, but the time is truly running out fast. Entire cities will be wiped out. Animal and plant life will be ravaged. The Arctic will melt without a doubt. Innumerable others as well which are often disregarded but will do catastrophic damage to the very wellbeing of the Earth. This is also in part from the generation divide. All the politicians and people in high ranking officials are older and more set in their ways than young adults and teenagers. They don't know what it's like to adapt and have to do something different. These politicians will not change their ways unless countless young adults bind together to step forth and change things for the betterment of all. This carelessness by politicians has caused so many marches, callouts, etc. Nothing's getting done whatsoever. If that does not change in the very near future, we are all doomed.

The author's comments:

This article displays the problems and distinction between the older and younger generation regarding global warming. 

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