Eyes | Teen Ink


October 29, 2018
By Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Tennis02 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My cousin  is beauty, painted in pallet full of colors, her beautiful brown hair in braids. A blue jean jacket, jeans and cowgirl boots. But one thing stands out, her brilliant bright blue eyes. Green centers that bleed out into a wonderful blue, and the blue washing upon the blue like the ocean on the sand.  They tell her story with just one glance, the pain, the joy, the strength. They hide the secrets behind a locked door, giggle in the hay and tears from heart break. They can wrap you up in a blanket of love and warmth yet let you know when your out of your mind. We are similar yet so different, my blonde hair that never listens to my brush, the freckles that dance across the bridge of my nose. Skinny jeans, converse and makeup. My eyes are dark brown and they tell their own story. They harbor the tears from sad and happy times. Secrets that have been keep for years. And hiding behind the walls of our green and brown eyes are the memories that will always to be remembered.

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