Someone You Should Really Know About | Teen Ink

Someone You Should Really Know About

August 5, 2019
By Anonymous

In a time where submissive, obedient women were thought to be ideal, Lee Tai Young was an outspoken a champion of humanity and justice.  Without knowing the technical term, seven year old Lee Tai Young did not what a lawyer was,  but knew she wanted to be one. She worked to become the first female lawyer in Korea and the founder of the first Korean legal aid center.

One of her fundamental beliefs was that peace in the family meant peace in the world. She fought and advocated for this truth her whole life, founding the Women’s Legal Counseling Center which provided legal aid to underserved women. During this point in history, Korean culture and law regarded men as leaders of the household giving immediate  custody of children after divorce. In addition, Korean women were forced by law to accept children that husbands had with their mistresses. Widows were also bypassed in the flow of inheritance as the eldest sons were given the majority of money left behind by the husband. Whether or not others chose to acknowledge the blatant sexism and crude injustice of these pieces of legislation, Lee Tai Young chose to act for the greater good and benefit of women and families by protecting women and family rights. Based on her accomplishments alone, Lee Tai Young was an extremely intelligent and capable woman with a vision as seen not only by her accomplishments, but by her character. Lee Tai Young sought not to attack and isolate men, but to thoughtfully bestow gender equity in Korea while strengthening the nation as well. 

Lee Tai Young is a  celebrated figure, honored with the Korean Peace Prize and awards from multiple legal aid societies and she is an individual  that is truly deserving of her titles. 

As a female and a person of Korean origin, Lee Tai Young is a role model of immeasurable importance to me. It is refreshing to have someone to look up to who is not know for her outer appearance, but her intellect and fierce passion for justice.  When boldness and a backbone were taboo characteristics for anyone other than a man to have, Lee dedicated her life to be the voice of millions of subjugated people which I believe should garner the utmost respect. 

Through her legacy, I now understand that despite opposition, there is always someone who holds fast to what is true and just.  I think that Lee Tai Young’s legacy highlights a theme of tenacity and national pride that has been repeated throughout Korea’s History. It is important to recognize history in all aspects and I believe that knowledge of Lee Tai Young’s work means much especially to those who are unable to defend themselves. As a protector of her people’s rights and defender of the wellbeing of her nation, Lee Tai Young’s life defines not just what it means to be a woman or someone of Korean of descent. Her story is the definition of humanity.

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