A Vision Like Keller | Teen Ink

A Vision Like Keller

August 15, 2019
By mattlinggundc_20 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
mattlinggundc_20 BRONZE, Bronx, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is not knowledge, but the act of learning, not possession but the act of getting there, which grants the greatest enjoyment.<br /> - Carl Friedrich Gauss

"Having sight but no vision" means having no aspirations. Helen Keller, despite being deaf-blind, devoted her life to helping the deaf and blind. She did not allow her disability to stop her from graduating college with a bachelor's degree, cofounding the ACLU, and producing books and speeches that would eventually influence the treatment of the disabled in the United States. Like Keller, we all have goals that require hard work and determination. If we are too blind to see our dreams, then life is pointless.

A goal can serve as one's sense of direction and motivation in life. When I began the college process, I did not know university I wanted to attend and looked at colleges I knew by name. When I decided that I wanted to become a CEO, I was able to narrow down my choices to the colleges that are well-known for their finance and accounting majors. I finally decided to attend Baruch College. If I did not create a plan for my future, then I would have selected the wrong school. Whenever I felt discouraged to apply to colleges, prepare for my exams, or finish my homework, I would remind myself of my dream. This process pushed me forward towards these challenges when I felt like quitting. In the end, I was accepted into many colleges, passed my tests, and finished my homework on time. When one works hard towards a goal, one does not stop until that goal is reached. I continue to use my aspiration as a compass and impetus as I prepare for college.

We should live to pursue our goals like Keller did. When we are minutes away from passing away, we should be grateful for choosing to chase our visions and making even the smallest change to the world.

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