vaping | Teen Ink


October 2, 2019
By john56 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
john56 BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Parents, teachers, and lawmakers are responsible for teen smoking. If the lawmakers arrested kids if they were smoking on the streets and a cop drives by, he can’t arrest a 11-year-old kid walking the streets vaping. We are, losing many lives because of it, it’s because the lawmakers, parents, and teachers should know if their kids or students look high, not feeling well, or if they’re sleeping a lot in class.  
Some may argue that smoking and vaping is not harmful. In the video that I watched it said one juul pod is equal to 20 cigarettes of nicotine. It is way more addicting than cigarettes are. It says that we looked, and it says that we already lost 15 kids and 800+ are sick. We are losing many more by days and weeks 15 dead and 805 sick in one month. I think that we should ban smoking and if we see people smoking, we should arrest them, like why is drugs illegal but vapes are not, we lose 15 people in 1 month and  and over 800 sick like that is crazy. We should stop this and do something. Why are we waiting till 2022 just so people don’t get in trouble? We should make a law that under the age 17 we can’t vape. In conclusion I think that they should ban every illegal thing. Were, scaring family that their kid could die. We should not wait till 2022, ban them just so business people don’t get In trouble, We should arrest them just for making them in genral that is what I think about vaping. We can all use social media to text the president and the government to talk about vaping. That is what I think about vaping. 

The author's comments:

my peice is good because it shows why kids should n ot vape

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