Golden Dog | Teen Ink

Golden Dog

October 11, 2019
By simjo24 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
simjo24 BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The old ranch smelled like rotten food, felt like sandpaper, and sounded like a horde of dogs, like a pig pen in on a nasty, hot summer day. It had mold, and plants growing from the roof. The gutters looked like it hadn't been cleaned in 20 years. The place was probably built before the dinosaurs. It was a white house that now has brown all over it with  I tiptoed inside with my family, trying to be as muffled as possible. We were here to get our new addition to the family, a dog. We drove two and a half hours to get here, and I swear it felt like two and a half years.

I glanced around the corner to find 2 Amish women making themselves lunch. They wore white headbands, white shoes, black shirts, and black pants.

̈ ̈Hey! How are you guys ̈ says one of them.

̈ ̈Good! Just ready for our new puppy. ̈ says my mom quietly.

̈Well let me go get her ̈ she says as she jogged down the stairs.

That was the moment of suspense. I was so overwrought. I didn't want the puppy to be scared, but I didn't want the puppy to be overwhelmed, I didn't want the puppy to go to the bathroom right there on the floor. And how would I ever clean it up? The women's footsteps sounded like a horses hooves in this nasty abode. The footsteps abruptly stop, like the suspense moment in a movie. Everyone in the house is quiet, and then we hear a boisterous groan,  Then the footsteps come back to life, and speedily enough she comes back up with a golden dog. A full Goldendoodle puppy. It was probably the most adorable teddy bear I've ever seen.   

This is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life I thought as the lady sets down the golden dog.

Come to me. That's what I swore that dog was saying in her head as she started waddling over to me. I picked her and she made the cutest, but an utmost dramatic groan I have ever heard in my life. I took her home that day, even though she threw up on me, I was pretty brackish on the way home, we played all night and since then she's always been there for me. 

My dog.

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