Animals | Teen Ink


October 18, 2019
By 1Alpha2 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1Alpha2 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes we do things that are good for us but not for the other living things. Human beings kill animals for food, but they go further. The food they get from the animals is often wasted. Animals have feelings too. They never talk about their feelings, but they always make you feel happy and surprised by what they do. They could do something stupid that makes you laugh. By doing this, they give you happiness. People need to have more respect for beings who are less powerful.  

 There are many animals killed in a harmful way, but most animals that they die are chickens, birds, rabbits and rats, and many other animals. According to one of the articles that I have read, it said: “3-4 million cats and dogs are killed in shelters in the United States every year.”

56 billion animals killed per year just in U.S.not include any other country this a lot for one country and About 9 billion wild animals are slaughtered for food in the United States.”According to the new book Farmageddon, that's about 50 million chickens, 1.5 million pigs, and 100,000 beef cattle. Globally it's close to 12 billion animals: an extraordinary amount of living creatures born to be wasted” this also just in U.S. humans spent a lot of money to meat like $244 for beef,$169 park and $120 others. This all happens in only one country. Animals are not just for food. There want to live just like humans. Animals are cute and do funny things, just like babies. They don’t talk; they can’t understand you, but they are cute. Dogs are more loyal than humans. Bees give us honey and other things.

 Many humans eat meat more than fruits. If we just consume less produced animals it is not only good for animals is also good for humans. It reduces the risk of the number of preventable chronic diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and obesity. There is always another way in any situation.

The author's comments:

How are animals help us? but in return we kill them , because we only think of our kind more than the other living things.  

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