Camping | Teen Ink


October 29, 2019
By Anonymous

It was the first camping trip I have been on in years, The forest was magnificent at that time of  the year. I still remember that view and the feeling I had before I went to sleep one night. That night I could see the stars dancing happily in the depressed dark sky. The wind leaped through my tent’s door and filled it up with a cold blast of air. The moon stared at me through the dark clouds above, almost as if is somehow mad. The leaves waltzed in the powerful breeze of air that sang throughout the night. It felt great to wake up to the sounds of birds instead of the sound of my phone's alarm shouting and yelling at me to get out of bed in the morning And then later have my breakfast in front of the river instead of the TV.  It just felt like the perfect life that I could never have.

The author's comments:

 I  am writing about camping in a forest and just describing the setting but I tried using personification. The thing I like most about my set piece is how it’s so descriptive and it makes sense even though the use of personification Used to make everything seem so confusing to me.

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