Brandon | Teen Ink


October 7, 2021
By bscott9 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
bscott9 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name “Brandon” translates to “breenhin” In Welsh, defined as prince or leader. Brandon was a name given to people with power.  A superior symbol over all others. Like a raven, circling confidently over its city, remaining as poised as ever. When in debuckles, Brandon would be the one to make executive decisions.

My parents decided to name me Brandon because they liked the sound. It wasn't too generic or too complex. Brandon is a generational name that comes with great regal and prestigious value. A nobleman. An overseer. A peacemaker that can always be depended on.  I appreciate my name more now than I ever have before. 

I am the oldest of 3 kids. As the younger kids often bicker I keep to myself and try to resolve any conflicts. My mom spends a lot of her time with my younger brother and helping him with school. My dad frequently guides my sister athletically and pushes her to be the best athlete she can be. This often leaves me in charge of keeping everyone connected and instilling the family dynamic in the household.

I uphold a position in my family and represent a median in my home. I feel like I am named who I am, not by luck of the draw, but by fate and destiny. I won't ever know why or how I was named Brandon but there is a reason. I fit the description as a prince or leader. I am independent and self-reliable. I am not cocky but confident and composed, eagerly waiting for times of help.

When people first encounter me and call me by my name they mistake my name for Brayden or Brendan. I get discouraged and disappointed. I feel like my presence isn’t known. One person in my life that always gives me reassurance that I am Brandon, is my girlfriend. My girlfriend calls me angel boy because she thinks of me as an angel that god sent to her to brighten up her life. which is really sweet.

My name suits me. Similar to that of a Raven, I am secretive and mysterious. I fend for myself. I make my own decisions with great authority and confidence. When others are in a difficult situation, I provide help and advice. I overlook and manage and earn my respect in doing so.

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