Iowa | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By Jagm34 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Jagm34 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Many say Iowa is just a boring or irrelevant state, many calling it idiots out wandering around. I have been to Iowa countless times in my life because my grandparents live there.  I wouldn’t be joking if I said that I enjoy life in Iowa more in comparison to Minnesota. Iowa is where I want to live in the future. The sole memory that I remember that really made me love Iowa is when I caught my first fish. My grandpa taught me the basics and after, I caught a fish. Even though it was a small one I remember it being a big achievement and now I always love to fish in Iowa.  I go around six times a year mostly for each holiday. The great food, away from school stress, and getting together with my family make me enjoy my stay there every time.  I believe Iowa is the perfect place for me because of many reasons. These reasons include my future career, money and personal entertainment.

The first reason I’d want to live in Iowa is that it has many career choices for me. Some of the options include working at the nature center with animals, working in law enforcement, or being a bank worker. In Iowa, my sister and I always go to a nature center that has lots of animals and information about them. I’ve always loved learning about and taking care of animals since I was a little kid which is why I’d work there. Law enforcement is another field that I would want to work in. I love helping others and protecting my community. I can pick a police officer or a private detective to help with crime scenes. I’d also want to work at a bank because it is what my grandpa used to work at. My grandpa is a big inspiration to me so I'd like to follow in his footsteps. Also working as a banker makes more money. I can manage or save this money even though Iowa is pretty cheap.

Secondly, Iowa is very cheap when it comes to my needs. Many cheap things in Iowa like housing, taxing, or other luxury items make it a lot less stressful to manage my money. Money management is important for me so I can pay my bills or taxes on time without having to worry. Lastly, with billing, taxes, or luxury items being cheap it saves me a lot of money. I can use this money for certain things like attractions or places.

My final reason is the attractions because they're where I spend most of my time in Iowa. Certain places I go to in Iowa include amusement parks, concerts, and a bar named the VFW.  Every summer I’ve been to the amusement park with my Grandma and sister. My sister and I love all of the rides, mostly because of the nostalgia from previous years. The concerts that we go to are right next to all the rides. After me and my sister are done with rides, we listen to whichever band is playing that night with my family. The VFW is a bar for veterans that we go to normally after the park depending on the time. They have many different options for food there including popcorn, pizza, and burgers which are some of my favorite foods. I can also connect some of these attractions to my previously stated career choices.

All of these attractions, opportunities, and my enjoyment of being there made me realize that Iowa is not just a boring and irrelevant state. It is the best place for me to live in the future. I believe that it perfectly meets my standards and needs when it comes to a state because of this. With all this said, I know it’s my true home.

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